
A Hammerspoon configuration for wizards...

Primary LanguageLua

🧙‍ BradensPoon - Hammerspoon Configuration


☄️ Installation

Getting up and running takes less than a minute!

  1. Install Hammerspoon:
brew cask install hammerspoon
  1. Install Luarocks package manager:
brew install lua
  1. Clone this repository:
cd ~/Development/Rice
git clone https://github.com/Braden1996/BradensPoon.git
  1. Install Lua dependencies locally via Luarocks:
cd BradensPoon
luarocks install --tree lua_modules penlight
  1. Run Hammerspoon.app and follow the prompts to enable Accessibility access for the app.
  2. Click on the Hammerspoon menu bar icon 🔨 and choose Open Config from the menu.
  3. Get the directory path of where you installed BradensPoon, e.g. run pwd after step 4.
  4. Paste the following (into ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua):
local yourPath = '/Users/braden/Development/Rice/BradensPoon/'
package.path = yourPath .. '?.lua;' .. package.path;
  1. Replace the value of yourPath (e.g. /Users/braden/Development/Rice/BradensPoon/) with your directory path, as obtained in step 7. (Don't forget the trailing /!)
  2. Reload your Hammerspoon config.

👨🏼‍💻 Development

Interested in fixing up some bugs, or developing awesome new features? Here are a few notes to help get you started:


As a standard, we try to maintain a strong coverage of tests for all code which isn't strickly coupled with Hammerspoon. To get up and running with tests, follow the steps below:

  1. Install Busted, the unit-testing framework of choice, globally via Luarocks:
luarocks install -busted
  1. Execute all our tests:
busted -v