
Accesibility need to amenities and services in a comunity, based on current visit patterns

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Accesibility need to amenities and services in a comunity, based on current visit patterns

Link to "Amenities" folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YZvBEFQR7mWCa7u3qd6QOwdvISyDwJMF?usp=sharing

To ensure the correct paths and smooth execution of the codes, please add the "Amenities" folder from the provided link to your personal MyDrive. By doing so, you will have the necessary files in the correct location, enabling the proper functioning of the codebase.

Inside the "Amenities" folder, you will find a document titled "WrapUp Amenities" that provides a detailed explanation of the steps taken to develop the project, as well as the purpose and functionality of each code. This document serves as a comprehensive guide, allowing you to understand the project's workflow and dive into the code with clarity.