
Collecting bird photo URLs from WikiMedia for an educational game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


We are collecting bird photo URLs from WikiMedia for an educational game

We'd like to add more birds, but looking up images is a lot of work


  1. Pick a bird from the list below (birds marked -- are MOST NEEDED)

  2. Google the name of the bird and site:wikimedia.org

    • For example...
    • american crow site:wikimedia.org
  3. Find a GOOD IMAGE of the bird.

    • Not blurry
    • You can see the full body of the bird (not just the head)
    • Landscape or square image (not portrait orientation)
  4. Copy/paste the URL for a good image below the bird name OR WE WOULD PREFER that you add it to trivia.json

  5. Make a Pull Request


-- Barred Owl

-- Blue-gray Gnatcatcher https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/11/Blue-gray_gnatcatcher_in_PP_%2872317%29.jpg/800px-Blue-gray_gnatcatcher_in_PP_%2872317%29.jpg?20210428122125

-- Cedar Waxwing

-- Chimney Swift

-- Common Nighthawk

-- Common Yellowthroat

-- Double-crested Cormorant

-- Eastern Meadowlark https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/60/Eastern_meadowlark_%28Sturnella_magna_mexicana%29_Orange_Walk.jpg/800px-Eastern_meadowlark_%28Sturnella_magna_mexicana%29_Orange_Walk.jpg

-- Eastern Phoebe

-- Eastern Towhee

-- Field Sparrow https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/45/Field_sparrow%2C_December_2020_--_Warren_Bielenberg_%2850771019951%29.jpg/800px-Field_sparrow%2C_December_2020_--_Warren_Bielenberg_%2850771019951%29.jpg

-- Herring Gull

-- House Wren

-- Indigo Bunting https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/62/Indigo_Bunting_by_Dan_Pancamo_4.jpg/799px-Indigo_Bunting_by_Dan_Pancamo_4.jpg?20110501234652

-- Northern Mockingbird

-- Purple Martin

-- Ruby-throated Hummingbird https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Ruby-throated_Hummingbird_%28Archilochus_colubris%29_RWD4.jpg

-- Wood Duck