Getting Started at MVRL

The intent for this repository is to contain a variety of simple examples that help others get started using lab compute infrastructure.


  1. Make a branch
  2. Add your code to the branch
  3. Issue a pull request to the main branch, tagging someone else that will run the code to verify it will work.
  4. Tag @jacobsn to merge to main



The directory mnist_ris contains resources to train a Pytorch Ligtning model with MNIST dataset in the RIS Compute Environment using a single GPU.

Inside the directory there is a script file and a README file that has detailed instructions on how to run the script.

Author: Aayush Dhakal

MNIST standalone(albatross)

The directory mnist_standalone contains resources to train a Pytorch Ligtning model with MNIST dataset in the lab's GPU.

Inside the directory there is a script file and a file that has detailed instructions on how to install miniconda, create and activate conda environment, and the script

Author: Subash Khanal