
C# Network Library

Primary LanguageC#

C# Network Library

Tutorials http://www.indie-dev.at/?cat=86
Downloads http://www.indie-dev.at/?page_id=480
Licence http://www.indie-dev.at/?page_id=525
Forum http://www.indie-dev.at/?forum=c-network-library
Documentation http://www.indie-dev.at/?page_id=476
NuGet https://www.nuget.org/packages/Network/

Continuous Integration

Build Configuration Framework Badge
Debug .NET Framework Build status
Release .NET Framework Build Status
Debug .NET Core Build status
Release .NET Core Build status


Service Description Badge
CodeFactor Code Quality CodeFactor
NuGet Download Count NuGet
NuGet Current Version NuGet

Supported Frameworks

  • .NET Framework >= 4.6
  • .NET Core* >= 2.0
  • Mono* >= 5.4
  • Xamarin.iOS* >= 10.14
  • Xamarin.MAC* >= 3.8
  • Xamarin.Android* >= 8.0
  • UWP* >= 10.0.16299

'*' No Bluetooth support

Features in a nutshell

  • TCP communication
  • UDP communication
  • Bluetooth communication
  • Factories to ensure the most easy setup
  • Server and Client Wrappers (Auto-Reconnect, Auto-Join)
  • Object oriented. Don't worry about bits and bytes. Send and receive objects
  • Optional RSA encryption for TCP and UDP
  • Use lambdas, delegates or even async operations to send and receive objects
  • Useful helpers to quickly send small information, without creating an object
  • Logging for debugging or traffic inspection
  • No magic numbers, identifiers or configurations required
  • Very fast and relieable (6-10ms RTT)
  • Highly customizable
  • OpenSource and Free to use


  • TRX: TVUiQD8LpKScXv2TMxYb7c2bKA2Xdn8ayn
  • ETH: 0xa1249ae140e775d75dd1e96b366cf605264c3f46
  • BTC: 15C8ats3mqKB9F86cZVcL6BcFGNfTLDpM6
  • XRP: rEb8TK3gBgk5auZkwc6sHnwrGVJH8DuaLh

Example Client

        public void Demo()
            ConnectionResult connectionResult = ConnectionResult.TCPConnectionNotAlive;
            //1. Establish a connection to the server.
            TcpConnection tcpConnection = ConnectionFactory.CreateTcpConnection("", 1234, out connectionResult);
            //2. Register what happens if we get a connection
            if(connectionResult == ConnectionResult.Connected)
                Console.WriteLine($"{tcpConnection.ToString()} Connection established");
                //3. Send a raw data packet request.
                tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromUTF8String("HelloWorld", "Hello, this is the RawDataExample!"));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromBoolean("BoolValue", true));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromBoolean("BoolValue", false));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData(RawDataConverter.FromDouble("DoubleValue", 32.99311325d));
                //4. Send a raw data packet request without any helper class
                tcpConnection.SendRawData("HelloWorld", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, this is the RawDataExample!"));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData("BoolValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(true));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData("BoolValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(false));
                tcpConnection.SendRawData("DoubleValue", BitConverter.GetBytes(32.99311325d));

Example Server

        public void Demo()
            //1. Start listen on a port
            serverConnectionContainer = ConnectionFactory.CreateServerConnectionContainer(1234, false);

            //2. Apply optional settings.
            #region Optional settings
            serverConnectionContainer.ConnectionLost += (a, b, c) => Console.WriteLine($"{serverConnectionContainer.Count} {b.ToString()} Connection lost {a.IPRemoteEndPoint.Port}. Reason {c.ToString()}");
            serverConnectionContainer.ConnectionEstablished += connectionEstablished;
            serverConnectionContainer.AllowBluetoothConnections = true;
            serverConnectionContainer.AllowUDPConnections = true;
            serverConnectionContainer.UDPConnectionLimit = 2;
            #endregion Optional settings

            //Call start here, because we had to enable the bluetooth property at first.

        /// <summary>
        /// We got a connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection">The connection we got. (TCP or UDP)</param>
        private void connectionEstablished(Connection connection, ConnectionType type)
            Console.WriteLine($"{serverConnectionContainer.Count} {connection.GetType()} connected on port {connection.IPRemoteEndPoint.Port}");

            //3. Register packet listeners.
            connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("HelloWorld", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToUTF8String()}"));
            connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("BoolValue", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToBoolean()}"));
            connection.RegisterRawDataHandler("DoubleValue", (rawData, con) => Console.WriteLine($"RawDataPacket received. Data: {rawData.ToDouble()}"));

Async Example

        public async void Demo()
            //1. Establish a connection to the server.
            ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
            //2. Register what happens if we get a connection
            container.ConnectionEstablished += async (connection, type) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
                //3. Send a request packet async and directly receive an answer.
                CalculationResponse response = await connection.SendAsync<CalculationResponse>(new CalculationRequest(10, 10));
                Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}");

Delegate Example

        private ClientConnectionContainer container;

        public void Demo()
            //1. Establish a connection to the server.
            container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
            //2. Register what happens if we get a connection
            container.ConnectionEstablished += connectionEstablished;

        private void connectionEstablished(Connection connection, ConnectionType type)
            Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
            //3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
            container.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>(calculationResponseReceived, this);
            //4. Send a calculation request.
            connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);

        private void calculationResponseReceived(CalculationResponse response, Connection connection)
            //5. CalculationResponse received.
            Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}");

Lambda Example

        public void Demo()
           //1. Establish a connection to the server.
           ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
           //2. Register what happens if we get a connection
           container.ConnectionEstablished += (connection, type) =>
               Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
               //3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
               connection.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
               //4. Send a calculation request.
               connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);

Bluetooth Example

        public async void Demo()
          //1. Get the clients in range.
          DeviceInfo[] devicesInRange = await ConnectionFactory.GetBluetoothDevicesAsync();
          if(devicesInRange.Length <= 0) return; //We need at least one bluetooth connection to deal with :)
         //2. Create a new instance of the bluetoothConnection with the factory.
          Tuple<ConnectionResult, BluetoothConnection> bluetoothConnection = await ConnectionFactory.CreateBluetoothConnectionAsync(devicesInRange[0]);
          if(bluetoothConnection.Item1 != ConnectionResult.Connected) return; //We were not able to connect to the server.
          //3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
          bluetoothConnection.Item2.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
          //4. Send a calculation request.
          bluetoothConnection.Item2.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);

RSA Example

     public async void Demo()
         //1. Establish a connection.
         ClientConnectionContainer container = ConnectionFactory.CreateSecureClientConnectionContainer("", 1234);
         //2. Register what happens if we get a connection
         container.ConnectionEstablished += (connection, type) =>
             Console.WriteLine($"{type.ToString()} Connection established");
             //3. Register what happens if we receive a packet of type "CalculationResponse"
             connection.RegisterPacketHandler<CalculationResponse>((response, con) => Console.WriteLine($"Answer received {response.Result}"), this);
             //4. Send a calculation request.
             connection.Send(new CalculationRequest(10, 10), this);


Logging with RSA