
DRA not defined error

shwetankverma28 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to run the code given in file LiiBRA_EX.jl in the examples folder but I keep getting the following error:
Code where I get the error:

function Realise(Cell, SList)
    A = B = C = D = tuple()
    for i in SList 
        Cell.Const.T = 298.15
        Arr_Factor = (1/Cell.Const.T_ref-1/Cell.Const.T)/R

        #Set Cell Constants
        Cell.Const.SOC = i
        Cell.Const.κ = Cell.Const.κf(Cell.Const.ce0)*exp(Cell.Const.Ea_κ*Arr_Factor)
        Cell.RA.Nfft = Cell.RA.Nfft!(Cell.RA.Fs, Cell.RA.Tlen)
        Cell.RA.f = Cell.RA.f!(Cell.RA.Nfft)
        Cell.RA.s = Cell.RA.s!(Cell.RA.Fs,Cell.RA.Nfft,Cell.RA.f)

        Aϕ, Bϕ, Cϕ, Dϕ = DRA(Cell,Cell.RA.s,Cell.RA.f)

        #Flatten output into Tuples
        A = flatten_(A,Aϕ)
        B = flatten_(B,Bϕ)
        C = flatten_(C,Cϕ)
        D = flatten_(D,Dϕ)
return A, B, C, D


ERROR: UndefVarError: DRA not defined
 [1] Realise(Cell::LiiBRA.Params, SList::Vector{Float64})
   @ Main .\Untitled-1:24
 [2] top-level scope
   @ Untitled-1:50

Realise (generic function with 1 method)

I am using Julia 1.7.0

Hi @shwetankverma28,

Good catch, yes, this example is out of date. The original DRA() function has been merged with the CI-DRA function in breaking release 0.2.0. Updating this example should be included in release 0.3.2.

For the time being, the example in the readme captures the same functionality as this example.

Hi @BradyPlanden ,
Thanks for your reply. Can you also add examples for running cycling tests as well as ways to add degradation modes to the mode?