
Implements two-way communication between Foundry VTT and Twitch, allowing for two-way chat plus adds dice rolling requests, a tabbed chat window, a separate dice engine for just for viewers, event handling and several moderation commands directly into Foundry itself, bringing your streamed game to the next level of interactivity!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Foundry Stream Module

A module for integrating Twitch chat from streams into Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Foundry Stream Module sends player chats, rolls, interactions to the Twitch stream chat and allows viewers in the Twitch chat to send messages to the players as an out of character message. GM's or another configurable user role can also moderate the Twitch chat via canvas control buttons for actions such as Request Roll, Emote, Clear, Timeout, Ban, Slow and Raid. Check out our current list of streamers! Current Streamers List If you would like your stream added to the list, drop at message to me over at Discord


This is my first time programming anything in about 27 years, as such, there may be a few glitches here and there. Just understand that I've been a professional blacksmith and bladesmith for more than two and a half decades and programming is a lot different than swinging a hammer! I love the community around Foundry VTT and wanted to give a little back, so here it is, this is my hobby project - what I do to relax - although there's been a few tense moments just to get this first release out! If you find it useful, great! I hope that you like it! As my programming skills grow I hope this module grows with them.

YouTube: Introducing Foundry Stream Module

Change Log

The most recent changelog.md


  • Twitch Channel - This is your Twitch stream name.
  • User Name - For your Twitch username or registered bot name, to be used in the future for sending messages back to Twitch. Capitalization may affect echoing. If you're not receiving messages from Twitch but messages are going out, try all lowercase for the user name.
  • Twitch OAuth Token - OAuth token for the user above. Without it you will only be able to receive messages but rolls, chat etc will not be sent to Twitch. If you do not have a OAuth token for your Twitch stream, simply log in to Twitch with your browser, open a tab and go to https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ - follow the prompts and your OAuth token will be generated. This will be obfuscated on saving for added security.
  • /t Twitch Chat Command - Messages to Twitch should use /t command in chat window, messages without will be ignored and only sent to other clients in Foundry. Please note, this setting requires all connected clients to refresh on change.
  • Out to Twitch - Check to send Foundry chat messages to Twitch channel.
  • Receive Twitch - Enable to receive messages from your configured Twitch channel.
  • Moderation Access Level - Every once in a while a GM may need help with moderating a Twitch channel. Select user role to allow access to the module moderation controls.
  • Chat Type - How incoming messages from Twitch should be assigned. Depending on different modules being used, it may be desirable to change how a chat card is created. Options are OOC, IC, Emote, Roll and Other. Default setting is OOC.
  • Quiet Mode - Filters rolls such as attacks, checks and spells from being sent to Twitch, only allows OOC, IC, Emote and Other to be passed along to the stream.
  • Send Connect Message - Turn on/off announcement message when connecting to a Twitch channel chat.

  • Announcements - These are announcements to be broadcast to your channel every x seconds.
  • Chat Dice - Turn on/off the dice roller in Twitch Chat.


  • Chat - Two way communication between Foundry and Twitch.
  • GM Moderation - On the side controls there are buttons to Clear Twitch chat, Timeout or Ban viewers and a Raid button. Please note, in order for the Raid function to work you must be signed in through a browser as well in order to click on confirmation dialog.
  • Roll Request - GM/Moderator can request a roll from a Twitch viewer. If DSN is enabled the dice will roll within the Foundry canvas, if not the result will just be sent to the chat card.



Many thanks go out to the entire FoundryVTT community especially Atropos for creating it, just about everyone over in the #module-development channel on the FVTT Discord, League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers, cwendrowski for creating Tabbed Chatlog, Melbz who wrote his own Twitch-bot for Foundry (https://bitbucket.org/Melbz/foundryvtt-twitch-bot/src/master/) that pointed me in the right direction for starting this module and Pint and Pie (https://github.com/thomasmckay) who is doing things with Twitch and Foundry that are absolutely mind-numbingly insane. His play through chat module lit the spark of inspiration for Foundry Stream Module many, many months ago!

