
Official Tracking Repo for Game of Memes the game.

Game Of Memes

The Official Tracking Repo for Game of Memes the game.

A game curated entirely using the Meme Factory Dank Registry, a decentralized curation market.

Game of Memes is a Hearthstone clone using the same rules and mechanics. Its built using the platform Dulst. It will not be a blockchain based game but it will use Meme Factory to curate it's content and card stats. If you want your content in the game, you simply have to submit it to the registry.

Dulst allows you to customize a cardgame with images, stats, and custom scripting. You can change the design, background and CSS of everything. What makes Game of Memes unique is that it will be community driven. The rarity of a card in Meme Factory will dictate it's rarity in the game.

The purpose of Game of Memes is to highlight how a Token-Curated Registry (TCR) can be valuable to people outside crypto.

Meme Factory has succeeded at it's goal of creating a well curated list of content. Now this ongoing list will fuel the game content.

Rarity is a value that determines how frequently cards will drop from market boosters or at the end of a match.

If you have feature requests, bug reports, or improvment proposals, please submit them as a new issue in this repo.