
Project for CS6480 at the University of Utah.

Refer to the references at the bottom for links to the free5gc and UERANSIM repositories if needed.


  1. Create a network setup with one or more machines running Ubuntu 18 with kernel 5.0.0-23-generic.

For my project, I am using the PowderWireless Platform ran by the FLUX research group at the University of Utah but these instructions will work with any other valid setup.

For the following instructions, I am using a setup containing the following five nodes. Please refer to example 2 in the free5gc wiki to see what the nodes refer to visually.

I have added the IP addresses next to the name of the nodes below in my specific setup which you can refer to in the configurations, however, be sure to use the correct addresses for your setup.

  • free5gc ( node which will contain free5gc, the 5G core.
  • sim-ran ( node which will contain UERANSIM used as the simulated external Radio Accesss Network (RAN/gNB) and User Equipment (UE).
  • upfb ( node which acts as a UPF branching point.
  • upf1 ( node which acts as a UPF anchor.
  • upf2 ( node which acts as another UPF anchor.

Install free5gc on the free5gc node and on all 3 UPF nodes

Unless stated otherwise, perform the commands in this section for the free5gc node and all 3 UPF nodes.

  1. Install gtp5g Linux module
git clone -b v0.2.0 https://github.com/PrinzOwO/gtp5g.git
cd gtp5g
sudo make install
  1. Install Golang Version 1.14.4
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -zxvf go1.14.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mkdir -p ~/go/{bin,pkg,src}

echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install free5gc Dependencies

  1. Install Control-Plane Supporting Packagaes. Not required for the UPF nodes.
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install mongodb wget git
sudo systemctl start mongodb
  1. Install User-Plane Supporting packages
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install git gcc cmake autoconf libtool pkg-config libmnl-dev libyaml-dev
go get -u github.com/sirupsen/logrus

Configure Linux Network Settings

  1. Enable IP forwarding on Linux
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -j ACCEPT
  1. Configure NAT to allow UEs connected to access the Internet.
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o <interface> -j MASQUERADE

Where <interface> is the internet-facing interface. In my case, the <interface> is in the file /var/emulab/boot/controlif. The file /var/emulab/boot/controlif contains the name of the internet-facing "control network" device. So my command would be:

sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o `cat /var/emulab/boot/controlif` -j MASQUERADE
  1. Stop firewall service so it doesn't interfere with anything.
sudo systemctl stop ufw

Install free5gc

  1. Clone the free5gc repository.
cd ~
git clone --recursive -b v3.0.4 -j `nproc` https://github.com/ralfkundel/free5gc.git

NOTE: free5gc v3.0.4 has bug where the gNodeB of the external RAN, UERANSIM, doesn't know a PDU session has been established due to incorrect messages within the free5gc core. However, another GitHub user, ralfkundel, has created a fork of free5gc fixing this issue amongst others such that it works with UERANSIM. Therefore, in the previous command, I am using the forked version of free5gc that is working.

If free5gc is still on v3.0.4, I recommend using the fork. You can also follow this issue I opened with free5gc about this bug to see if it's fixed. The creator of the fork, ralfkundel, is also working with them to get his fixes integrated into the newer versions of free5gc.

  1. Install all free5gc Golang module dependencies.
cd ~/free5gc
go mod download
  1. Compile free5gc network function services (AMF, SMF, etc)

free5gc node:

make all

On all 3 UPF nodes:

cd ~/free5gc
make upf

If you accidentially compiled all functions on the UPF nodes, that's fine as you can just run the UPF funtion on those nodes by itself.

  1. Lastly, you can test free5gc by running the UPF function on the UPF nodes and then running the entire free5gc core all-in-one.

On all 3 UPF nodes:

cd ~/free5gc/src/upf/build
sudo -E ./bin/free5gc-upfd

free5gc node:

cd ~/free5gc

Install UERANSIM on the sim-ran node

Note: I use the same kernel version 5.0.0-23-generic for this PowderWireless node as well just for consistency.

  1. Install the UERANSIM dependencies.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install g++
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
sudo apt install maven
sudo apt install libsctp-dev lksctp-tools
  1. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
  1. Clone UERANSIM.
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/aligungr/UERANSIM.git
  1. Make the UERANSIM scripts executable
chmod 700 build.sh run.sh
  1. Build UERANSIM

Configure free5gc

  1. Open free5gc/config/amfcfg.conf and change the ngapIpList value located right below the configuration section from to the IP of the free5gc machine.
  amfName: AMF
  1. In free5gc/config/smfcfg.conf, configure the userplane_information and links sections based on your setup. Again, I'm using example 2 provided in the free5gc wiki.
        type: AN
        type: UPF
        type: UPF
        type: UPF
      - A: gNB1
        B: BranchingUPF
      - A: BranchingUPF
        B: AnchorUPF1
      - A: BranchingUPF
        B: AnchorUPF2
  1. Still in smfcfg.conf, add ulcl: true at the very bottom.
  nrfUri: http://nrf.free5gc.org:29510 # <-- This already exists
  ulcl: true
  1. Configure the pfcp and gtpu addresses in free5gc/src/upf/build/config/upfcfg.yaml on each UPF node you have.

In my case, I have a UPF branching point with two UPF anchors, so my config would be the following:

Branching UPF upfcfg.yaml:

    - addr:

    - addr:

Anchor UPF 1 upfcfg.yaml:

    - addr:

    - addr:

Anchor UPF 2 upfcfg.yaml:

    - addr:

    - addr:
  1. Finally, configure free5gc/config/uerouting.yaml.

The file already has other existing UEs, but I add the followng one where the AN value is set to the IP address of the UPF anchor point I want the following UE to use to access the data network. Also where the SUPI value also matches the default one added in the free5gc web console when you add a new subscriber (shown below later when running the free5gc webconsole).

  - SUPI: imsi-2089300007487
    AN: # Use UPF anchor 1
      - DestinationIP:
        UPF: !!seq
          - BranchingUPF
          - AnchorUPF1

      - DestinationIP:
        UPF: !!seq
          - BranchingUPF
          - AnchorUPF2

Configure UERANSIM

  1. In the file UERANSIM/config/profile.yaml change the selected-profile: value to free5gc.
selected-profile: 'free5gc'
  1. In the file UERANSIM/config/free5gc/gnb.yaml, If you're running UERANSIM on another machine, change the host: to IP address of the interface on the same network as the free5gc core.
  1. Still in the same file gnb.yamlunder the amfConfigs section, change the host value to the host of the free5gc node where the AMF is located.
    port: 38412
  1. Configure the UERANSIM tunnel interface

Run free5gc and UERANSIM


Add a UE to the database.

  1. On the free5gc node, start the web server.
cd ~/free5gc/webconsole
go run server.go
  1. Go to the website hosting the database interface.

The server runs on port 5000 by default. You whatever your machine name is or use the ecternal IP address of your machine.

  1. Login to the interface
Username: Admin
Password: free5gc
  1. Go to the subscribers tab and click on add.

  2. Change the USIM Type from OPc to Op

USIM Type: Op

Make sure the other UE values (IMSI, key, op, etc) match the UE values found in the UERANSIM configuration UERANSIM/config/free5gc/ue.yaml.

Note: The free5gc web interface should already populate a UE with default values that are the same as the UE in the UERANSIM config, so I didn't have to change anything else except the USIM Type.

  1. Add the UE

  2. Logout of the database web interface and shutdown the web server.

Run free5gc and UERANSIM

  1. On all 3 UPF nodes, start the UPF function.
cd ~/free5gc/src/upf/build
sudo -E ./bin/free5gc-upfd
  1. On the free5gc node, start the free5gc core all-in-one.
cd ~/free5gc
  1. On the sim-ran node, start the UERANSIM, run the UERANSIM tunnel interface, run applications using the UEs.

At this point, you can use the link in the previous step to run applications on the UEs which will go through the free5gc core network to either the Data Network or other UEs depending on what you are doing.
