
My global configuration for i3wm

Primary LanguageShell


Necessary Packages


To install i3 with a minimum of utility, you can run the following command:

sudo dnf install i3 i3status i3lock

Status Bar

To have a rich status bar and fully customizable, I use the package i3status-rs

sudo dnf install i3status-rs

Application launcher

I am using rofi as an aplication launcher.

sudo dnf install rofi

The transparent background of the launcher window is assured by picom, a compositor.

sudo dnf install picom


The background is set using the feh library. To change the default wallpaper, just change the associated line in the config with a new image.

sudo dnf install feh

Audio Player

The audio control is a mixed between the playerctl package to control player state (play, pause, previous, next), and the pactl to control the output device(s).

sudo dnf install pactl playerctl