
The front-end is everything involved with what the user sees, including design and some languages like HTML and CSS. This is the roadmap I follow to study, following the top trends that I can find in the internet dev community.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to my FrontEnd Roadmap Study Notebook 👋

What is this?

FrontEnd Roadmap Study is my repository and notebook from all my studies as a FrontEnd Developer. I divided it into folders according to the study diagram below. In each folder you can see a README.md with notes for that topic, along with exercises and all the material created for learning. Every year the diagram is updated and I re-study it again.


01. Internet
02. Basic Web Languages
03. Version Control System
04. Web Security
05. Package Managers
06. CSS Architecture
07. CSS Preprocessors
08. Build Tools
09. Frameworks
10. Modern CSS
11. Web Components
12. CSS Frameworks
13. Testing
14. Type Checkers
15. PWA
16. SSR
17. GraphQL
18. Static Sites Generator
19. Mobile Applications
20. Desktop Applications
21. Web Assembly
22. Design Systems
23. Requests to APIs and Others

Front-End Diagram