This is the code implementation for the paper "Spiking Generative Adversarial Network with Attention Scoring Decoding (SGAD)".
This project includes implementations of three models (SGAN, SWGAN and SGAD) on two datasets (MNIST and CelebA).
Generative models based on neural networks present a substantial challenge within deep learning. As it stands, such models are primarily limited to the domain of artificial neural networks. Spiking neural networks, as the third generation of neural networks, offer a closer approximation to brain-like processing due to their rich spatiotemporal dynamics. However, generative models based on spiking neural networks are not well studied. Particularly, previous works on generative adversarial networks based on spiking neural networks are conducted on simple datasets and do not perform well. In this work, we pioneer constructing a spiking generative adversarial network capable of handling complex images and having higher performance. Our first task was to identify the problems of out-of-domain inconsistency and temporal inconsistency inherent in spiking generative adversarial networks. We addressed these issues by incorporating the Earth-Mover distance and an attention-based weighted decoding method, significantly enhancing the performance of our algorithm across several datasets. Experimental results reveal that our approach outperforms existing methods on the MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, and CelebA datasets.Besides these static datasets, we also firstly attempt at generating event-based data on NMNIST dataset. Moreover, compared with hybrid spiking generative adversarial networks, where the discriminator is an artificial analog neural network, our methodology demonstrates closer alignment with the information processing patterns observed in the mouse. Our code could be found at
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Navigate to the directory
cd sgad
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python train/ --config train/sgad_mnist.yaml
# Run SGAD on CelebA
python train/ --config train/sgad_celeba.yaml
python train/ --config train/sgan_mnist.yaml
python train/ --config train/swgan_mnist.yaml
# Run SWGAN on CelebA
python train/ --config train/swgan_celeba.yaml
# Run on NMNIST
python train/ --config train/nmnist_28.yaml
You could change .yaml file to custom running, including data path, learning rate etc.
save_every: 5 # save checkpoint period
name: "swgan_celeba" # name of training
data_path: "../data" # where store data
epochs: 100 # epoch to train
batch_size: 64 # batch size
lr_D: 0.0002 # learning rate of Discriminator
lr_G: 0.0002 # learning rate of Generator
is_scheduler: False # whether to use CosineAnnealing scheduler
n_steps: 16 # time steps for spiking neural network
encode_type: "direct" # encoding type
device: "cuda:0" # device to use
net_D_direct_input: True # This determines net_D input shape, (...,784) or (...,28,28)
dataset: "CelebA" # which dataset
is_data_normlized: False # whether to normalize data
latent_dim: 20 # latent dim for Generator
is_mem: True # whether to use membrane potential for outputs
from_checkpoint: False # whether to load checkpoint
checkpoint_path: "" # checkpoint path
scoring_mode: "AttentionScoring_RGB" # attention scoring mode