Phase coupling decomposition for iEEG acoustic contamination

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Phase Coupling Decomposition

You will find here all the codes and instructions needed to reproduce the experiments performed in "A supervised data-driven spatial filter denoising method for acoustic-induced artifacts in intracranial electrophysiological recordings ", by Victoria Peterson, Matteo Vissani, Shiyu Luo, Qinwan Rabbani, Nathan E. Crone, Alan Bush, and R. Mark Richardson (pre-print here)

Installation guidelines

This guidelines are based on Matlab 2021a. The library has been tested on Windows.


To run this library you need to include in your path the following depencies:

To run Example_run_HybridSimulation.m you need to compile the mex file:

mex code_CUBN.c ran1.c gasdev.c 

Download and run the demos

  1. Download and extract the zip or clone PCD
  2. Run the examples:
And you are ready. Happy coding!