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Built With

JavaScript TypeScripe React Node Express PostgreSQL Jest


Interview Chimp is a tool to help you ace your technical interviews by providing an user friendly dashboard displaying dozens of real interview questions, sorted by topic. With one click, you can submit your answer for real time feedback utilizing OpenAI's API. Save your answers to study with, and prepare to ace your technical interview.

To Get Started...

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  1. Create an account, or log in with your Google account (if you don't have an accout, create one on our "Sign Up" page or log in with your Google account)
  2. Use the side bar to choose your area of study
  3. Navigate between questions using the left or right arrows Screen Shot 2023-05-10 at 7 44 33 PM
  4. Once you have your answer, you can receive real time feedback by clicking "Refine"
  5. When you're happy with your answer, click submit to save
  6. To view prior answers, click on the "Responses" button

Want to Contribute?

We would love the community's contributions to help continuously improve interviewChimp! If you want to help, follow the below steps:

  1. Fork the Github repository
  2. Clone your forked repository and create a new branch using your Github username as the branch name
  3. Commit the changes you'd like to contribute to your branch, using a detailed description explaining what your code helps to optimize or fix
  4. Create a pull request into the main branch of this repository