

This project contains a single post api request for room booking which takes four fields(booking_date, status, first_name, last_name, email) and give response either 'Successfully Booked' or 'Already Booked' according to on that day's room status. Please check the Postman collection for POST form data structure.


  1. Django 3.2
  2. Postgres
  3. Redis
  4. Nginx
  5. Locust
  6. Docker



  1. Clone this repo and enter inside
  2. Run docker-compose up --build
  3. Server will be on
  4. Import the Postman collection which contains a single post api request for room booking

Load Test

Inside the loadTest directory locustfile is located.

  1. Run pip install locust
  2. Start the docker containers
  3. Go inside loadTest
  4. Run locust --host=http://localhost:1337
  5. Open Browser and go to http://localhost:8089

Future Work

  • FrontEnd
  • Load Balancer