Matlab toolbox to deconvolve BOLD-fMRI data. It produces the underlying spatiotemporal neural and hemodynamic activity
- Bmunn
- bpailthorpe
- cliffckerrInstitute for Disease Modeling
- clubkeano
- DemiGaoThe University of Melbourne
- dnao
- elimuller
- Farahdeeba
- gpandejeeAustralia
- JamesAHenderson
- jamesmaclaurin
- jchrispangMonash University
- jell9265
- jhcloos
- JohnGriffithsCAMH KCNI & University of Toronto
- jpalmer
- KevinAquino@BrainDynamicsUSYD @BrainKey
- kmuk7454Sydney, NSW-2006, Australia
- lilamenezes
- mfer7913Sydney
- MSZobaer
- ngabay
- niparoyThe University of Sydney
- qiyangkuISTBI, Fudan University
- rorygt
- sahand92Australia
- somwrita
- spostnova
- stuart-knock
- TaraBabaie
- thomaslacy
- xelgzh
- xliu9362
- yangdempe
- yliu2521