
Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


nutil is a c library for converting converting arbitrary long numbers


make all        # builds a shared and static library
make install    # builds and intalls the shared and static library and the headers
make test       # builds the test executable
make example    # builds the example executable

make uninstall  # deletes the library and the headers
make clean      # deletes intermediate compilation files
make fclean     # deletes all the output files from the compilation

when linking nutil into your executable, link it with -lm (math.h) and -lgmp (GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library)


For example code, look at the file example.c, its a program thats print numbers in decimal

> ./example ffff 16

for more documentation you should look at nutil.h

todo list

  • add support for decimal point and non-integer numbers


Please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. be sure to update tests as appropriate.
