
A (very) helpful office assistant for the LuckPerms Discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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clippy is our small Office Assistant:tm: bot used on the LuckPerms Discord to aid with support tasks like providing useful links to the wiki or reminding people to not tag staff members.


A full list of commands can be found in modules/commands/list.json or by using !help in Discord.



New commands should be added to the list.json configuration file.

The basic syntax is as follows:

    "name": "command",
    "aliases": [
    "title": "Title of the Embed",
    "url": "https://example.com",
    "description": "A small description about what info the command provides",
    "wiki": true

The option wiki is used together with the url field to add a separate embed field with the title Read more: and the URL as value.

Additionally you can set your own embed fields using the following syntax (fields would be on the same level as name)

    "fields": [
        "key": "Title of field",
        "value": "Field description",
        "inline": true