DefectDojo-CLI is a command line interface allowing you to use the DefectDojo API from your terminal. The tool is developed in Kotlin with Retrofit and Clikt.
Thanks to DefectDojo-CLI you can easily perform mass imports of scan results, create or update products, languages, findings and more.
Download, build, install
Defectdojo-CLI uses the gradle plugin application
to provide installable binaries.
If you already have Java installed on your machine you can also compile a fat jar with all the dependencies and
use the application with java -jar <path to fat jar>
git clone
cd defectdojo-cli
gradle installDist
If this does not work you will have to install gradle (at least version 5.6.1) an try again.
The binary file is in build/install/defectdojo-cli/bin/
Copy the binary file to /usr/local/bin
sudo cp -r build/install/defectdojo-cli/lib/* /usr/local/lib/
sudo cp build/install/defectdojo-cli/bin/defectdojo-cli /usr/local/bin
DefectDojo-CLI is still in development.
Once you have your jar file you can run the following command to display the help menu :
defectdojo-cli --help
List every product
defectdojo-cli product list
Result :
1 Test1 Research and Development /api/v1/products/1/ 0
Add a technology
We add the technology (also called app analysis) C++
to the project with id 2
and set the related user to
the one with id 3
defectdojo-cli app-analysis add C++ 2 3
This tool is a work in progress. The list below details which enpoints have been implemented already :
- app_analysis
- build_details
- development_environments
- endpoints
- engagements
- finding_templates
- findings
- importscan
- jira_configurations
- jira_finding_mappings
- jira_product_configurations
- language_types
- languages
- product_types
- products
- reimportscan
- scan_settings
- scans
- stub_findings
- test_types
- tests
- tool_configurations
- tool_product_settings
- tool_types
- users