
Repo for my website in it's current state

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hello this is the repo for my personal website!

You can check out by clicking here!
If you're reading this thanks for taking the time to check it out!

How it was built

This is the third iteration of this site. This site was originally built using Gatsby but after learning more and more about React and doing some other side projects, I switched to MUI and then finally to Astro. Gatsby had some built in features that I enjoyed such as lazy load on images and really fast load times for content that I am finding new libraries for. MUI made up by having a lot of base components to build off of and really easy CSS-in-JS support. Having everything needed for a component in one file was a big plus. The downside of Gatsby and MUI/React is that it requires JS to run. For large web applications it makes sense but for a single page portfolio with just content it was overkill.

This is where Astro comes in. I'm still able to write the site in React/Vue/Svelte or whatever and then compile it down to regular old HTML/CSS for faster loading times and wider browser support.

In this third iteration I tried to challenge myself and make the site responsive and yet not have a single media query in it. This idea was inspired by Andy Bell's great talk Be the browser’s mentor, not its micromanager. This way of thinking about frontend development might have been around for a while but he was my first exposure to it and has changed how I look at building websites.

Adobe XD was used for all initial design mock-ups and to create the mountains and trees as SVGs. This was my second time using this program and I am quite pleased with it. It pretty simple to use and let's me get the image in my head actually on a screen. I'm sure some professional designers are able to leverage what it can do more but for my needs (and skill level) it works.

This site is hosted on GitHub Pages. Why GitHub Pages? Well because it was free and offered up an easy way to host a static site. There's no backend or database associated with the site so hosting here was an easy choice.

You might have noticed that the main branch for this is not 'master' but is instead called 'develop'. This was done on purpose because GitHub Pages serves up only what is on the 'master' branch but I needed to compile the Astro into the static HTML/CSS. I didn't want to have the compiled code mixed in with the source code so I am using GitHub Actions to take the source code from 'develop' whenever there is a new commit pushed or merged to it, compile it, and then commit only the production ready code to the 'master' branch for GitHub Pages to serve. This way I don't have to worry about manually compiling and committing and I don't have compiled code intermixed with source code. I was originally using Travis CI to do this step but they changed how their service worked and I figured I'd switch to GitHub Actions to keep the CI/CD/Hosting process all under the GitHub umbrella.


I normally try to come in and update it as new projects are completed or if some new design tweak is needed. If you have any recommendations for improvements (UX, Accessibility, etc) please add an issue here! and I'll look into adding that to the site.