
Group exercise Javascript for the Web

This exercise is a group exercise for teams of 3 to 4 persons.

Its purpose is to teach you how to work as a group.

Having only a few members of the team work alone to realize the project is considered a failure for everyone. All members of the team must bring some contribution.

Find a team name

Gather your team and choose a team name. It must contain the first letter of the firstname of each member of the team.

It must sound classy. Do not choose a name like GTWNKZ.

Create a repository the exercise

The repository must be created in the becodeorg organization, be private, and be named jepsen-js-web-<your team name>.

Check everyone in the team has write access to that repository.

The application

As a future group of super villains you'll make an application to centralize your ideas to take over the world.

It must have the following features:

List of ideas to take over the world

This is the first thing that will display when you access the application. Each idea must contain a name and a description in markdown (in this screen it should correctly display as HTML).

Idea creation modal

When you click on a button it should display a modal to allow to create an idea.

Idea display modal with comments

When you click on an idea in the list it must open a modal to display the full detail of an idea. It should allow to add comments on that idea.

Idea edition

In the idea display modal there should be a possibility to edit the details of the idea (like an edit button that displays a form to edit the idea).

Idea removal

There should be a way to delete an idea. (Any possibility is accepted)

Local storage database

Normally such an application would involve the creation of a backend server with an API and a database. Here for simplicity we will ask you to only store that database in the local storage to be able to retrieve your database each time you access the application.

A logo

Every cool application should have a logo. Find or create one.


This application must use becode-js-web-template and be published with Github Pages at the end.

You must write a proper readme explaining at least the URL to access the application and a full guide to install and deploy your application.