
Nurikabe: Isolated Black rule

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The Isolated Black rule does not seem to take edges into account.

Also: we should also have a Isolated White rule: if some region is surrounded by all white (and there is at least one black outside of that region), then it self should be white as well

I can't find the code that deals with this rule. Does this need a new class? (i.e.

Sorry, I meant the Black Must Connect contradiction rule. It’s there, but it has a bug. It seems like it is only checking for all whites around black, and it forgets to take into account the edge. Do you think you can try and fix that?

From: knaik95 []
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2014 2:25 PM
To: Bram28/LEGUP
Cc: Van Heuveln, Bram
Subject: Re: [LEGUP] Nurikabe: Isolated Black rule (#60)

I can't find the code that deals with this rule. Does this need a new class? (i.e.

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Also, I now realize I was confusing the Black Must Connect with the Fill in Black rule when I said we need this rule also for White. What I meant is that we need a Fill in White rule. Any takers?

OK, I just created a separate issue (#61) for the Fill in White rule.

Doesn't apply correctly if there are no other black squares outside of surrounded region
