Pinned Repositories
custom cx gate
The Ecosystem consists of projects, tools, utilities, libraries and tutorials from a broad community of developers and researchers. The goal of the Ecosystem is to recognize, support and accelerate development of quantum technologies using Qiskit.
In this Hands-On Guide On IBM's Quantum Open Science Prize 2021, we will go through all the things you'll need. It's an exciting journey ahead of us.
Hartree_fock computational chemistry
Improve the fidelity of the SWAP gates between qubits 5 and 6 on the IBM Quantum system ‘ibmq casablanca’ by reducing the infidelity from 2% to 1% with error bars equal to or better than 0.08% using benchmarking techniques described in the Open Science Prize notebook On our IBM Quantum processors, qubits can only interact with neighboring qubits - but several quantum circuits, such as those required for measuring Quantum Volume, frequently require operations between non-neighboring qubits. Quantum computers implement these operations by first using the SWAP gate to bring the quantum states of qubits closer on the chip, and then acting on these qubits with nearest-neighbor quantum gates. IBM Quantum Experience users will use Qiskit Pulse in order to devise SWAP gates of their own, and then characterize the gate’s fidelity, using a Jupyter notebook supplied by IBM Quantum. The goal is to improve the fidelity of the currently implemented SWAP gates. In order to receive access to IBM Quantum System ’ibmq casablanca’, you must demon- strate an understanding of the rigor of the challenge. Choose the challenge you are competing in and briefly de- scribe how you plan to solve that challenge. Confirmation of access will be sent to you via email.
Quantum bitstring comparison inside Grover's algorithm
Using a Variational Quantum Eigensolver to find the ground state energy of an entangled 4-qubit system using the Transverse Field Ising Model
VQE quantum
BramDo's Repositories
custom cx gate
Improve the fidelity of the SWAP gates between qubits 5 and 6 on the IBM Quantum system ‘ibmq casablanca’ by reducing the infidelity from 2% to 1% with error bars equal to or better than 0.08% using benchmarking techniques described in the Open Science Prize notebook On our IBM Quantum processors, qubits can only interact with neighboring qubits - but several quantum circuits, such as those required for measuring Quantum Volume, frequently require operations between non-neighboring qubits. Quantum computers implement these operations by first using the SWAP gate to bring the quantum states of qubits closer on the chip, and then acting on these qubits with nearest-neighbor quantum gates. IBM Quantum Experience users will use Qiskit Pulse in order to devise SWAP gates of their own, and then characterize the gate’s fidelity, using a Jupyter notebook supplied by IBM Quantum. The goal is to improve the fidelity of the currently implemented SWAP gates. In order to receive access to IBM Quantum System ’ibmq casablanca’, you must demon- strate an understanding of the rigor of the challenge. Choose the challenge you are competing in and briefly de- scribe how you plan to solve that challenge. Confirmation of access will be sent to you via email.
The Ecosystem consists of projects, tools, utilities, libraries and tutorials from a broad community of developers and researchers. The goal of the Ecosystem is to recognize, support and accelerate development of quantum technologies using Qiskit.
In this Hands-On Guide On IBM's Quantum Open Science Prize 2021, we will go through all the things you'll need. It's an exciting journey ahead of us.
Hartree_fock computational chemistry
Qiskit Textbook (beta)
Qiskit advocate mentorship program (QAMP) fall 22 cohort (Sep - Dec 2022)
Quantum bitstring comparison inside Grover's algorithm
Using a Variational Quantum Eigensolver to find the ground state energy of an entangled 4-qubit system using the Transverse Field Ising Model
Edukaizen app
Integrate Magisk root and Google Apps (OpenGApps) into WSA (Windows Subsystem for Android)
My solution to the IBM Open Science Prize submitted on 04/16/2022
The Qiskit Default Solution of IBM Quantum Open Science Prize 2021
A Python solver for the 1D Schrodinger equation
Qiskit is an open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of extended quantum circuits, operators, and algorithms.
A library of quantum algorithms for Qiskit.
A collection of Jupyter notebooks developed by the community showing how to use Qiskit
IBM Client for Qiskit Runtime.
Qiskit Nature is an open-source, quantum computing, framework for solving quantum mechanical natural science problems.
Home of Qiskit documentation translations
A collection of Jupyter notebooks using QISKit
Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious, published by Packt
In this Repository I uploaded my solution files of IBM's Global Quantum Challenge of 2020
Tools for performing vibrational analysis on molecular systems.