
Aniworld.to mp4 scraper for animes.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Anime/Serien Scraper

Scraper for the Anime Hoster Aniworld and the Serien Hoster SerienStream

This tool will download either all Seasons and Episodes of an anime from Aniworld.to or it will download all Seasons and Episodes of a serie from S.to

How to use:

  • Clone the Repo

  • pip install requirements.txt

  • download or install ffmpeg (If you download it put it in the src folder)

  • On Unix for easy use take the run.sh file and edit the desired values

  • On Windows for easy use take the run.bat file and edit the desired values

  • Either use arguments or edit the src/constants.py file

  • ARGUMENTS: main.py <TYPE> <NAME> <LANGUAGE> [SeasonOverride]

  • Change name in src/constants.py to your desired name (Format -> see URL of the anime or serie)

  • If you now start the main.py a small Chrome window will open everytime it finds an Episode. This is for the Google Captcha!

  • If the Captcha appears please solve it. If you close the window you have to restart the application.



  • type_of_media: Either "serie" or "anime" so the tool uses the correspondig url
  • name: Enter the anime or serie name you want to download. It has to be in the naming scheme word-word-word.
  • language: Determine the desired language of the files. Common options are: "Deutsch", "Ger-Sub" and "English"


  • dlMode: Choose the type of Content you want to download. Valid arguments are: Movies, Series, All. Default is Series.
  • season_override: Specify which season to Download. 0 is the Default and will download all Seasons.


  • episode_override: Specify which episode to start downloading. 0 is the Default and will download all Episodes.
  • ddos_protection_calc: How many episodes to download before waiting 60 seconds. Default 4.
  • ddos_wait_timer: How long to wait until next download batch starts. Default 60.
  • output_path: Specify the output path. Default is the current working directory/Name-Of-Series.


Please create a Issue.

Special Thanks:

Thank you to Michtdu for the workaround and code for the Captcha!

Thank you speedyconzales for adding S.to support