The Branch Metrics public API for mobile deep linking / deeplinking applications. Branch helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power referral systems, sharing links and invites with full attribution and analytics.
- aaustinBranch
- alexruperez@globant
- andrewchae
- antrix1989Microsoft
- cavellis
- ChrisWrenNYC
- dentedDentedIO
- derrick-branch
- dmitrig01California
- drshrey
- erickreutzLugg
- ernestoCuritiba
- FabioBeneditto@aziontech
- gamontal@microsoft
- hubt
- hugohn
- iamtony
- jacopoch@woltapp
- jakecadamsBranch Metrics
- JALsnipe@Apple
- jeffhuangtw
- joe11051105Taipei, Taiwan
- mada299Branch Metrics
- mayeaux
- mjgaylordWaitroom
- mmolinet
- PaitoAnderson@AppNouveau
- podbelsky
- ricardo@Automattic
- RO-29techieB!
- roundrobinTalentBait
- sreereddymenonChicago
- sunny0425
- tantom
- taromorimotoHelsinki, Finland