Here's how to get the visual I created to display the data of my Tempest station.
Don't get discouraged by all the steps to take. It's a little long and complicated, but it's worth it. 😀
Install Home Assistant on one of the platforms that is supported. Personally, I use an RPI 4 64g.
Install Hacs integration.
Install Weatherflow2mqtt integration.
Install Tabbed-card card from Hacs.
Install Mushroom card from Hacs.
Install Vertical-stack-in-card card from Hacs.
Install Text-divider-row card from Hacs.
Install Windrose-card card from Hacs.
Install Apexcharts-card card from Hacs.
Install stack-in-card card from Hacs.
Install tempometer-gauge-card card from Hacs.
Install compass-card card from Hacs.
Install rain-gauge-card card from Hacs.
Install UV-Index-card card from Hacs.
Install swiss-army-knife-card card from Hacs.
Add the images to the following directory. If the directory does not exist, create it.
- /config/www/mes_images/
Add the sensors to your dashboard. Some sensors are French translations of the station's states. If you use English, you won't need it. Il can be add in configuration.yaml or sensors.yaml files. Personally, I use Packages.
Copy the Swiss-Army-Knife templates files sak-layout-mjt-demi-cercle-graphique.yaml and sak-layout-mjt-meteo.yaml in the following folder.
- /config/lovelace/sak_templates/templates/layouts/
Copy the Swiss-Army-Knife colorstops templates files colorstops_mjt_distance_eclaires.yaml and colostops_mjt_nb_eclaires.yaml in the following folder.
- /config/lovelace/sak_templates/templates/colorstops/
Copy the code in WeatherflowTempest.yaml file.