
Personal site built with HTML, SCSS and Gulp ✨ Aiming to be fast and accessible! https://brandensoropia.github.io/

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

My personal site to show about me, contact and projects.

Goal: I want it to be as fast and as accessible as possible. I also want to learn how to make static sites with HTML, SCSS/CSS and Javascript!

Setup and Development Instructions:

You must checkout the dev branch to do actual development. master branch is where the built files are dumped!

  1. Make sure you have Node installed. I'm using v12.13.1. Also make sure you have yarn classic installed to manage packages.
  2. Have Gulp CLI installed globally: npm install --global gulp-cli.
  3. Now clone repo and navigate to its directory in your terminal. Run yarn to install all dependencies.

You're all setup! To start development in watch mode run gulp watch. It'll open this site in your default browser at localhost:3000 and will hot-reload on any change.

Stuff I Learned (Unordered)

  • As of mid 2020, .tff, .woff, .woff2 fonts are needed for the widest modern browser compatibility (no I.E). Useful thread about this

  • When using custom web fonts, it takes time to load them! In the mean time, it's best to default to system fonts which can be done simply by adding font-display: swap; to all @font-face rule sets! Source

  • Use <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> to make sure the website is set to match device's width. Without it, mobile users get desktop which is then scaled down to fit! Also a SEO boost to have this as a marker that this site is mobile friendly. Also, it made include-media work when it wasn't earlier! Source

  • Icons can be made a11y friendly by using setting the icon as aria-hidden="true" and having a visually hidden child element with description text like so

 <div class="thumbnail turquoise">
    <i class="fas fa-globe" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    <span class="visually-hidden">Web Icon</span>
  • If a language is not set in the html tag like so, <html lang="en">, a screen reader will default to using the language the user set it to as fallback! Source