Brew, a Yelp clone, is a business review and social networking platform that that helps users in their search for new craft beers, gives them a way to review their experience/favorite beverages, and gives the breweries a method of attracting new customers.
Promote your brewery or leave a review now on Brew!
List of features needed for the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and its CRUD features
List of user stories for each MVP
Schema of how PostgreSQL database will be set up
Wireframe of how pages will layout.
API routes that will be used by the backend server
Frontend Routes that the client can access while interacting with Brew app
Brew's redux state shape for react frontend
- Create/ delete/ edit breweries
- Add/ edit/ delete/ reviews of breweries
- Add/ delete/ photos of breweries
- Add/ delete/ a Useful, Funny, or Cool tag to a review
- See lists of your reviews, photos, and breweries you are promoting on User Profile
- Add/ edit/ delete/ reviews, photos, and breweries from lists on User Profile
- Can search for a brewery by name
Possible Features
- Reservations
- Directions with google maps
Technologies Used
- React.js
- Python
- Flask
- Heroku
- Docker
- PostgreSQL