
A template for using Leptos ssr + server functions in a Cloudflare worker

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Leptos on Workers

A template for using Leptos ssr + server functions in a Cloudflare worker.



Install Rust from rustup.rs. Then:

cargo install cargo-leptos --locked


You'll need some version of Node.js. I personally recommend using nvm. Then:

npm install --global wrangler

Run locally

wrangler dev

Run on Cloudflare

wrangler deploy


function wbg:__something must be callable

Q: I'm getting an error like this in my console:

- Unhandled Promise Rejection: LinkError: import function wbg:__wbindgen_closure_wrapper268 must be callable

A: You need to hard refresh in your browser between compiles

  • Firefox/Chrome: Ctrl-Shift-R or ⌘ R
  • Safari: ⌥ ⌘ E + ⌘ R