
Tetris implemented using JavaFX, built using the JTetris backend engine.

Primary LanguageJava


An implementation of the classic game of Tetris, written in JavaFX.


Clone the project into a directory of your choice.

From the project root directory, execute

./gradlew run

Key Bindings

  • left arrow - Move left.
  • right arrow - Move right.
  • up arrow - Rotate counterclockwise.
  • down arrow - Rotate clockwise.
  • spacebar - Toggles downward acceleration. Press again to stop the acceleration.
  • p - Pause the game.
  • q - Quit the game.

General Design

The game reads from and updates a backend Java module, also written by me, representing the game state.

There are two main animations:

  1. Downward motion

    This includes the descent of the current piece as triggered by gravity, as well as user-applied acceleration.

    Since this descent is automatic, it must be independent from any actual gameplay-related animations, which are themselves handled in a separate animation (see below.)

    This animation is also responsible for updating the side-panel statistics, since events triggered by a move-down are what ultimately, for example, increase your score.

  2. Other user motions

    This includes left-right movement, as well as rotations.

    This animation is also responsible for rendering the player area itself.