CSSE4011 Project - Activity Classification with Thingy52

Zues - Yellow


Brandon Lawler

ChunWei (James) Tang

PC Software

This is the PC based software constructed for CSSE4011 Project B4 - Activity Classification with Thingy52 (2022). The thingy52 is setup to capture acceleration, magnetometer and gyroscope data and send it to the base node USB device which received the data via bluetooth and send it to the computer program via serial communication.

The following program is constructed to receive the serial input, and using the K Nearest Neighbour machine learning algorithm determine the current activity being completed by the user. The base activities include Sitting, Standing, Walking, and Running.

The program is also required to upload all the data to the influx cloud database for storage and easy vieweing of the data.

The program also has the ability to add other classifications and train these new activities. The process of installing, configuring and training this program is outlined below.


Download the python software following this link: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Install the pip software following this guide: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installation/

Install the required packages for this program:

$ cd CSSE4011-Project-PC
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting the Program

Once the setup process is complete the program can be run by running the following command:

$ python main.py

If you are wanting to clear the training data, you can run the following command - be warned that this will delete all training data:

$ python main.py --clear

Configuring the Program

Once the program is running, the user can configure the program by selecting the Config Tab at the top of the screen. From here you can input the serial COM port for the program to connect to. Furthermore, you can add new activity classifications to the program by typing the name of the activity and pressing the Add button. Finally, all but the base classifications can be removed by pressing the Trash Can Icon on the right side of the classification.

Training Data

Once the program is running, the user can add new training data by going to the Train Tab, then using the drop down select box to select the activity to be trained. The user can then use the Start button to start the collection of data from the Serial input. This will update the KNN Algorithm when it is next run.

Active Mode

Once the program is running, and once the training data has been downloaded from the Influx database. On the Active Tab, once downloaded the user can press the start button to begin the active mode. The program will then begin to collect data from the serial input and using the trained KNN algorithm will determine the current activity being completed.