
Collection of scripts for DAMS ingestion and digital preservation.

Primary LanguageShell

Basic Workflow

On Quarantine server (CHS-ISL002)

  1. Upload assets to a folder on the quarantine server. The folder should be a bag or a flat collection of assets. The quarantine server handles virus checking.


  1. Create bags for each asset.
$ create-bags.sh -i "folder name"

Example 1: sample_1_source

$ cd /data/quarantine
$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 26 21:44 sample_1_source
$ sudo -u www-data create-bags.sh -i sample_1_source

Example 2: sample_1_source AND sample_1_source.MODS

$ cd /data/quarantine
$ ls -l
drwxr-xr-x  2 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 26 21:44 sample_1_source
$ sudo -u www-data create-bags.sh -i sample_1_source
/data/quarantine/sample_1_source.MODS/image001.xml - valid
/data/quarantine/sample_1_source.MODS/image002.xml - valid
  1. Copy the collection of bags to the archive server.
$ copy-to-archive.sh -i "folder name".bags

Example 1: sample_1_source.bags

$ cd /data/quarantine
$ copy-to-archive.sh -i sample_1_source.bags
2017-03-20 16:16:55,476 - INFO - /data/quarantine/sample_1_source.bags/image001 is valid
2017-03-20 16:16:55,514 - INFO - /data/quarantine/sample_1_source.bags/image002 is valid

sending incremental file list
created directory /data/sample_1_source.bags

sent 71,165 bytes  received 400 bytes  47,710.00 bytes/sec
total size is 69,835  speedup is 0.98
  1. [OPTIONAL] Copy the collection of bags to the sandbox server.
$ copy-to-sandbox.sh -i "folder name".bags

Example 1: sample_1_source.bags

$ cd /data/quarantine
$ copy-to-sandbox.sh -i sample_1_source.bags
  1. Copy the collection of bags to the production server.
$ cd /data/quarantine
$ copy-to-production.sh -i "folder name".bags

On Archive server (CHS-ISL003)

  1. Validate bags on the archive server. Validation includes checking that bags are well-formed and fixity is correct.
$ validate-bags.sh -i "folder name".bags

Example 1: sample_1_source.bags

$ cd /data
$ validate-bags.sh -i sample_1_source.bags
Checking /data/sample_1_source.bags
2017-04-02 13:51:55,097 - INFO - /data/sample_1_source.bags/image001 is valid

On Sandbox server (islandora-chs)

  1. Create an ingest batch from the bags on the sandbox server. Metadata is created if MODS file found in the bag.
$ create-batch.sh -i "folder name".bags -c "collection pid" -m "content model pid"

Example 1: sample_1_source.bags

$ cd ~
$ create-batch.sh -i sample_1_source.bags -c islandora:sp_basic_image_collection -m islandora:sp_basic_image
Checking /data/sample_1_source.bags
2017-04-02 13:51:55,097 - INFO - /data/sample_1_source.bags/image001 is valid
  1. Ingest the batch.


On Production server (CHS-ISL001)

  1. Review bags on the production server.


  1. Create an ingest batch from the bags on the production server. Metadata is created if MODS file found in the bag.
$ create-batch.sh -i "folder name".bags -c "collection pid" -m "content model pid"
  1. Ingest the batch.


On Archive server (CHS-ISL003)

Use the '-c' option to validate bags periodically. For example, to validate bags older than 30 days at 4:00 AM everyday add this line to /etc/cron.d/validate.

0 4 * * * www-data /home/ubuntu/dam_workflow_scripts/validate.sh -i /data/quarantine -6 +30

Run as the user 'www-data' when using the '-c' option.