
Front-end 360 video embed

Primary LanguageC#



Code & Setup: BrandyBuizel (@BrandyBuizel)

Some camera code provided by like 7 different sources on the internet. I went through about a dozen different methods(mp4, cubemaps, flipped normal cubes, flipped half spheres, png sequences, etc.) before settling on streaming source video from ungrounded.net via the same project file on the website.

How to Make Your Own 360 Video

  • Make a 360 video animation, I'm not gonna explain this one, just look somewhere else online
  • Upload the video file(that warped sphereically unwrapped mess) to Newgrounds in a Movie Project File
  • Publish the project(just for a moment, you can unpublish it after this step), inspect the video player element and find the source URL hidden in the video tags to "uploads.ungrounded.net" (e.g. https://uploads.ungrounded.net/alternate/1276000/1276946_alternate_118467.720p.mp4?1609176153)
  • Open the Unity Project(let it build the libraries, might take a while), click on the sphere object in the only scene, replace the URL with your own video link
  • Build for WebGL and upload the .zip file to your Newgrounds Movie Project and make the HTML5 archive as the priority player format!
  • DO NOT DELETE the movie file, anytime you update your movie file it will generate a new link to "uploads.ungrounded.net" so you'll need to update the .zip of your game too