
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

yaeeh - yet another express error handler

A small library for error handling in express. With Default Api-Errors predefined.


$ npm install --save yaeeh



Error are classes which inherit from the javascript standard error. Stacktrace etc is given as normal.

/predefined/Error(message, code)

Every error can be instantiated with a custom message and a custom error code like 'ERR_CUSTOM_ERROR_CODE'. The http number codes are fixed to the standard http codes.

 * Every error can have alternative messages, alternative error codes or both.
 * const someError = new <defined>Error('alternative message');
 * const someError = new <defined>Error('alternative message', 'alternative error code');
 * const someError = new <defined>Error(null, 'alternative error code only');

 * NotImplementedError
 * default status code: 501
 * default error code: ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
 * default message: This resource is not implemented yet.
const notImplementedError = new NotImplementedError();

 * UnauthorizedError
 * default status code: 401
 * default error code: ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED
 * default message: You are not authorized to access this resource.
const unauthorizedError = new UnauthorizedError();

 * NotFoundError
 * default status code: 404
 * default error code: ERR_NOT_FOUND
 * default message: This requested resource was not found.
 const notFoundError = new NotFoundError();

  * BadRequestError
  * default status code: 400
  * default error code: ERR_BAD_REQUREST
  * default message: Bad request.
 const badRequestError = new BadRequestError();

###ApiError(message, status, code)

If you need to create completly customized errors with an own http status code you can use the ApiError and extend it or simple create an error with the right parameters.

 * ApiError
 * This error type is the base for the error handler and can be completly customized.
const apiError = new ApiError('My very own Api error.', 123, 'ERR_VERY_OWN');

class SomeError extends ApiError {
  constructor() {
    super('An error with fixed parameters.', 400, 'ERR_FIXED_CODE');


  • add more Errors
  • export responses for test via supertest for example


MIT © Alexander Braunreuther