DIE.js detects IE versions and helps unsupported users find a better browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Internet Explorer has devoured lifetimes of developer person-hours and impairs the World Wide Web.

It is time for humanity to move on. This tiny library can help.

Try it here.


Include DIE.js and call window.DIE(n), where n is the minimum version of IE you wish to support. If IE is detected below version n, this library gives friendly upgrade instructions to the user. If no argument is given, all versions of IE will trigger the instructions. window.DIE exposes its functions so it can be used any way you like.

DIE(minIEVersionSupported) // returns DIE.isDead and calls DIE.killItWithIre() if dead
DIE.killItWithIre() // displays message to unsupported users

We ❤️ the web

DIE.js may be borne out of frustration, but it wouldn't have the ability to support a minimum IE version if snark and hate were the only motivations. We the web's developers wish to deliver a modern web experience that delights and empowers people, but our reliance on obsolete tools is hindering innovation, and with each installation of a standards-compliant browser the web gets a little better. Let's focus on the progress that helps everyone win.
