
Parched is a tiny layer built on top of Gulp that lets people write and share plugins and tasks.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NOTE: This is hella experimental. Please give any feedback you might have.

Parched is a tiny layer built on top of Gulp that lets people write and share plugins and tasks with minimal configuration from the end user.

It aims for convention over configuration.
It is heavily inspired by Brunch.

See parched-example-app, or parched-tasks-webapp even. The following will be based on them.

A list of ready-made plugins can be found on npm.

Getting Started

npm install --save gulp parched

Then update your Gulpfile.js.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var Parched = require('parched');

  gulp: gulp,
  plugins: {
    'parched-jshint': {
      reporter: 'some-other-reporter'
  parchedWillBuild: function (done) {
  parchedDidBuild: function (done) {

Any dependencies in package.json starting with /^parched-.+/ will be loaded, and, if they export a function they will be passed a Parched API object.

This is parched-jshint:

var jshint = require('gulp-jshint');
var stylish = require('jshint-stylish');

// All plugins and tasks loaded by Parched are passed an object containing
// the API.
module.exports = function (Parched) {
    // This property is required and must be unique.
    // The upside is all plugins are more easily configured
    // and sorted in `appConfig`.
    displayName: 'parched-jshint',
    // This can be an array.
    src: '*.js',
    // Returns an empty object by default.
    getDefaultOptions: function () {
      return {
        reporter: stylish
    // This will be called in the task we create later.
    lint: function () {
      // Basically, plugins return something that will work in a regular
      // Gulp pipeline. Return one item or an array, Parched don't mind.
      var pipeline = [
      // There is a concept of `production`.
      if (this.isProduction()) {
      return pipeline;

Okay, sure, but how do you call these methods? First, let's define a task:

  taskName: 'build-app-scripts',
  // This can be an array.
  src: 'app/scripts/**/*',
  // Parched makes heavy use of `run-sequence`, in this example `lint` and
  // `transform` will be run in parallel. Drop the nested array and they will
  // be run in sequence.
  sequence: [
    ['lint', 'transform']

Now in your terminal run gulp build-app-scripts. Voila!

You might expect the output of lint to be passed to transform, but Parched opts for parallelization. To do more with the methods in the sequence, you can simply add before and after callbacks in createTask.

  // ...
  // This prepended to each stream in the sequence.
  beforeEach: function (stream, streamContext) {
    // `streamContext` contains context ... about the stream.
    return stream
  // This is appended to each stream in the sequence.
  afterEach: function (stream, streamContext) {
    return stream
  // This is appended to the `transform` stream.
  afterTransform: function (stream) {
    return stream


The main entrypoint into Parched.

Property Description
stream beforeEach(stream, streamContext) Will be run before every method of every sequence of every task
stream afterEach(stream, streamContext) Will be run after every method of every sequence of every task
string[]? plugins.order.before Specify which plugins should be run first
string[]? plugins.order.after Specify which plugins should be run last
object? plugins[plugin.displayName] Will be merged with plugin.getDefaultOptions() to create plugin.options
void parchedWillBuild(done) Put any logic you want to run before any builds here.
void parchedDidBuild(done) Put any logic you want to run after any builds here.

Public API


Property Description
string displayName The unique name of the plugin
string[] src Which files to act on
bool? shouldProcessAssets() Does this plugin process "assets"?
object? getDefaultOptions() The plugin's default options
bool isProduction() NODE_ENV === 'production'
stream processManyFiles(src / null, context, process(files, done)) Returns a through stream, passing all matched files to the process callback. If no src was passed, the plugin's src will be used.
stream noop gutil.noop


Passes each item in the sequence to createPluginMethodTask and a creates a gulp task that returns a runSequence based on [].concat(deps).concat(sequence)

Property Description
string taskName The name of the task
string? helpText Help text to be displayed with gulp --help
string[] sequence The sequence of methods to be called in this task
string[]? deps Any dependencies of this task. Note these are passed through run-sequence, so nested arrays means run in parallel.


Pipe a stream through all plugins and their methods.

For instance this is used in the webapp tasks in afterTransform of the final scripts and styles builds to to run minify

Property Description
string[] methodNames Flat list of plugin method names
stream stream The stream to be modified
bool? shouldProcessAssets To asset or not
bool? shouldProcessUnderscores Process files / folders that start with an underscore


Creates a Gulp task of many gulp.src streams that are modified in before and after callbacks.

Property Description
string taskName (string) The name of the task
string src Which files to act on (can also be an array)
void? modifyContext(taskOptions) Modify the taskOptions / streamContext
bool? shouldProcessAssets Are these files "assets"?
stream? beforeEach(stream, streamContext) Will be run before each method in the sequence
stream? afterEach(stream, streamContext) Will be run after each method in the sequence
stream? beforeMethod(stream, streamContext) Will be run before the targeted method in the sequence
stream? afterMethod(stream, streamContext) Will be run after the targeted method in the sequence

Parched has a concept of assets. If a task shouldProcessAssets, any plugins that don't will be skipped, and vice versa.

A note on before/after callbacks: The targeted callbacks are called before and after beforeEach / afterEach, ie given we are calling the lint method from parched-jshint:

var streamContext = {
  pluginInstance: __pluginInstance,
  methodName: 'lint',
  taskName: 'build-app-scripts',
  taskNameProxy: 'build-app-scripts--lint',
  taskNameUnique: 'build-app-scripts--lint--parched-jshint'

beforeLint(stream, streamContext);
beforeEach(stream, streamContext);
beforeEachFromConfig(stream, streamContext);
afterEachFromConfig(stream, streamContext);
afterEach(stream, streamContext);
afterLint(stream, streamContext);


Sort an array based on before and after properties.

Property Description
object[] collection The array to act on
string[]? before What should be first
string[]? after What should be last
string? getItem(item) Any logic to identify the item


Sort a stream of gulp files with sortBeforeAfter

Property Description
string[]? before What should be first
string[]? after What should be last

Parched.processManyFiles(src, streamContext, process(files, done))

Returns a through stream that will call process with any files matching src. When used in a watch scenario, it will run when files are updated, not only when their contents change.

When used in createPlugin, omitting src with give you an array of all files matching plugin.src. This allows things like parched-webfont have configurable options.svgPath while still watching all .svg assets for changes.

Property Description
object taskNameUnique Something unique so the cache can keep track of things.


Adds gulp task taskName to the parched-clean task.


Adds gulp task taskName to the parched-build task.


Adds gulp task taskName to the parched-watch task.


The foundation.

Exported Name Package
gulp This is actually a function that returns the gulp reference defined in appConfig
gulpif gulp-if
gutil gulp-util
through2 through2
combine stream-combiner
merge merge-stream
runSequence run-sequence
xtend node.extend
anymatch anymatch
lazypipe lazypipe
multistream multistream