
python and GPIO functions!

Primary LanguagePython


python and GPIO functions!

Jack Daniel Kinne CIS 5

------------------- Download an OS -------------------

Download a Raspberry pi "raspbian Wheezy" operating system.

Link here: Wheezy

Once downloaded, you'll need to unzip it.

------------------- Unzip the OS -------------------

If you use windows, you can find an unzipper here: http://www.7-zip.org/

If you use linux (ubuntu), you already have an unzipper, which is called "unzip." Other unzippers can be found at the software center. A totally not necessary manual and documentation can be found at: http://zlib.net/manual.html

------------------- Image the OS -------------------

When you are ready to mount your operating system on the SD card, congratulations!

You can run Win32 Disk Imager from windows. Link here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/

You can run Disk Image Mounter from Linux, searchable through ubuntu software center.

Guide if you need more help, here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/

------------------- Overclock the Pi -------------------

Follow this guide, here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt.md

The down and dirty version:

  1. pop open the file folder location for the SD card (should be named "boot"). **important note: when you access this file on windows two things will happen. you need to open it with a normal text file. if you open it with a microsoft document, don't. you'll get messed up code. **Second thing: you won't see the line breaks when you modify the code. Not that important, but NOT EASY. You only need to delete the FIRST hash ("#") to enable features.
    ***strongly recommend you just modify with linux, less problems.
  2. open the file marked "config.txt"
  3. Find the line "#arm_freq=700"
  4. Change the line to: "arm_freq=900"
  5. Make sure to mark your change by adding a comment with #, recommend something like: "#Jack was here."

congratulations! you've just overclocked your Pi.

------------------- Configure the Audio -------------------

follow this guide Here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/audio-config.md

Short version: set your audio output to 1, which will switch to analogue (headphone jack.)

  1. go to the command line
  2. type this: "amixer cset numid=3 1" *. worth noting; HDMI output is 2.

------------------- Play Mp3 Files -------------------

follow this guide Here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/audio/

short version:

  1. navigate to the file location
  2. try this first: "omxplayer example.mp3"
  3. input over headphone jack : "omxplayer -o local example.mp3"
  4. input over HDMI : "omxplayer -o hdmi example.mp3"

------------------- Play video files -------------------

Guide Here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/usage/video/

short version:

  1. omxplayer example.mp4

--------------- end -------------------