
A small database script that includes procedures and triggers for a bike riding app.

BikesCanada 🍁

BikesCanada is a bike-riding database created to improve analytical skills and learn advanced database concepts.


  • Diverse Bike Selection: Choose from a variety of bike types, catering to different preferences and needs.
  • Analytical Skills Enhancement: The application includes a database designed to improve analytical skills, featuring advanced topics such as triggers and procedures.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository.
    git clone https://github.com/BravesDevs/BikesCanada_DB.git
  2. Open the preferred Database Client (e.g. MySQL Workbench, DataGrip).
  3. Open script.sql and run the DDL Queries for creating the database and tables.
  4. Execute the DML Queries to populate the tables with data.
  5. Run and execute the select queries and procedures as per your needs.