
Outscale Assignment FE Repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Outscale Assignment FE


This repository contains the front-end codebase for the Outscale Assignment. It is designed to work in conjunction with the corresponding back-end system.

Getting Started

To clone the repository and set up the development environment, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Use the following command to clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/BravesDevs/outscale-assignment-fe.git

    Replace https://github.com/BravesDevs/outscale-assignment-fe.git with the actual URL of the repository.

  3. Change into the project directory:

    cd Outscale-Assignment-FE
  4. Install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install
  5. Before running the front-end project, make sure to start the corresponding back-end server. Refer to the back-end repository or documentation for instructions on starting the server.


Once the setup is complete, you can start the development server using the following command:

npm run start