
Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Project 4

Primary LanguagePython


Udacity Full Stack Nanodegree Project 4


In this Item Catalog project, you will build a RESTful web application that displays all the avenger movie catalog along with the movie character list and the homepage implements a third-party authentication & authorization service (in our case Facebook accounts). Only Authorized user can perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations, whereas unauthorized user can read the contents.

Setting up the Environment

  1. Download and Install python3 ver 3.6.7 (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
  2. Install Vagrant Tools to turn on Virtual Machine ( https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html )
  3. Install VirtualBox Version 5.1.38 r122592 (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads)
  4. Download the VM configuration called FSND-Virtual-Machine for this project ( https://github.com/udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vm )
  5. Put it into vagrant directory which is shared with your virtual machine

Steps to run the python codes:

  1. clone the repository into vagrant directory from the following source. (https://github.com/DeepLearnerSC/item-catalog)

  2. Command $ vagrant up, ans then type $ vagrant ssh to start the VM

  3. 'cd' to 'item-catalog' and you will find 'project.py' and 'database_setup.py'

  4. Command $ python database_setup.py to to create `itemcatalog.db' or you could skip to step 5.

  5. Command $ python lotsofmenus.py to initalize the predefined data (optional)

  6. Command $ python project.py, then you are ready to test the 'item-catalog'

  7. Open up your browser and go to

  8. Done

JSON Endpoints

/api/v1/catalog.json - Returns JSON of all items in Avenger catalog

/api/v1/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/JSON - Returns JSON of selected item in Avenger catalog

/api/v1/categories/JSON - Returns JSON of all categories in catalog

REST Endpoints


/login - Login page

CRUD: Read

/ or /categories - Catalog page with all categories and recently added items

Shows you all the items available for that category.

Main page after you succesfully logged-in.

Selecting a specific category shows you all the items available for that category.

Selecting a specific item shows you specific information about that item.

CRUD: Create

/categories/<int:category_id>/ or /categories/<int:category_id>/items/ - items in category

/categories/new - Allows user to create new category

Enter the Movie title and then click update

Now new movie title has been added

/categories/item/new - This page will be for making a new catalog item

Now new character has been added

CRUD: Update

Item can be updated by pressing the update button

/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/edit - This page will be for making a updating catalog item

Catalog item has been updated

CRUD: Delete

/categories/<int:category_id>/item/<int:catalog_item_id>/delete - This page will be for deleting a catalog item

If you press 'delete', then selected item will be removed for the data storage

Item has been removed