Creating a card. Looking beautiful
This card has 2 main sections.
The first section(top) has a background image and text.
The second section(bottom) has two sub sections. The first sub-section(bottom-top) of the second section has 2 sections that is text and image section.
The text section of hte bottom-top has 2 paragraphs
The second sub-section of hte second section just has text
- Create card body
- Create 2 sections in card (top and bottom)
- In top, set background to image of top and create text(H2) NB:align right
- In bottom, create 2 sections NB: justify-content space between
- In bottom-top, contains 2 sections course-details and user-pic
- In course-details, there are 2 paragraphs with 2 spans for numbers. Second paragraph has one span for instructor-name
- The last section of the bottom-top has just text-level