
Learn Algorithms and Data Structure in 4 Steps🦶

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Algorithm in 4 Steps🎄

Let Everyone Study Algorithm Easier😊

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For Upcoming Interviews👔,I summarized the algorithm courseware, books, papers, exercises, OJ website,and made the Roadmap of Algorithms Learning.

  • If you are preparing for interviews, to get in BAT, Google, Microsoft..🚀;
  • Or you are trying to learn Algorithms by yourself💼;
  • Or just try to broaden your horizons by Learning Algorithms🤷;
  • No matter how familiar are you with Algorithms, this Repo has something match with you✈️

For developers,learning Algorithms is necessary.

So, Let`s get started🌈~

I summarized the Algorithm courseware, books, papers, exercises, OJ website,and made the Roadmap of Algorithms Learning.👀:

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👇Click into Specific Section🌈

Algo Courseware DS Courseware C++ Courseware Basic Algo DS Dynamic programming C++ Strings Math Computational Geometry Books Exercises Papers Other
🌲 🚀 🍟 🤹🏼‍♀️ ❄️ 🎮 🌈 ☂️ 🎱 🧠 🍟 ⛄️ 🎄 🍀

Let`s Start Our Trip 🚀

Step one🦶

Get into Algorithm、Data Structure、C++👀:

Algo Courseware🌲 || DS Courseware🚀 || C++ Courseware🍟

Basic Algorithm🤹🏼‍♀️

Complexity analysis🌟 || High precision🌟 || Enumerate🌟 || Dichotomy🌟 || Divide and conquer 🌟 || Search🌟 || Greedy algorithm🌟

Basic Data Structure❄️

Basic Data Structure💫

Step two🦶

Deeper Algorithm

Dynamic programming🎮 || Blocking algorithm💫 || Computational Geometry🧠

Deeper Language


Deeper Data Structure

Tree🎄 || String☂️ || Graph🛸

Deeper Math


Step three🦶



Algorithm Competition👑 || Beauty of Math👑 || Data Structure and Algorithm(Java)👑 || Algorithm👑





C++PrimerPlus👑 || C++Primer👑 || Effective C++👑 || Effective STL👑


From 0 to action👑 || Fluent Python👑 || Effective Python👑 || PythonCookbook👑



👀 More efficient method is Practicing on Online Judges

Step four🦶


Deepest Part for Someone interested.

1999 Papers🧳 || 2000 Papers🧳 || 2001 Papers🧳 || 2002 Papers🧳 ||2003 Papers🧳

2004 Papers🧳 || 2005 Papers🧳 || 2006 Papers🧳 || 2007 Papers🧳 || 2008 Papers🧳

2009 Papers🧳 || 2013 Papers🧳 || 2014 Papers🧳 || 2015 Papers🧳|| 2018 Papers🧳


Online Judge SITE🚀

🚀WorldwideOnline Judge

  1. 🎄CF:CodeForce:http://codeforces.com/problemset


  2. 🎄Saratov State University http://acm.sgu.ru support C/C++/C#/Java/Delphi

  3. 🎄UVA:University of Valladolid http://uva.onlinejudge.org support C/C++/Pascal/Java

  4. 🎄Ural State University http://acm.timus.ru support C/C++/C#/Pascal/Java

  5. 🎄Sphere Research Labs http://www.spoj.pl

🚀Systematic Online Judge

  1. 🎄vijos: https://vijos.org/
  2. 🎄Luogu:https://www.luogu.org/problemnew/lists
  3. 🎄RQNOJ: http://www.rqnoj.cn/problem

🚀Interview Online Judge

  1. 🎄Niuke:https://www.nowcoder.com/
  2. 🎄leetcode:https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/
  3. 🎄LintCode:https://www.lintcode.com/zh-cn/
  4. 🎄51nod:http://www.51nod.com/Challenge/ProblemList.html#!#isAsc=false
  5. 🎄hackerrank:https://www.hackerrank.com/

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