Week 1, Day 2 Morning Discussion Questions


Take 30 minutes and answer the following questions together with your group. Take turns playing around with the code provided in Pry or IRB.


1 . What does the below method return?

def greet(name)
  puts "Hello, #{name}"
greet("Steven") #=> ?

2 . What does this method return?

def love_this_veggie?(vegetable)
  if vegetable == "broccoli"
    "Nah, thanks"
    "I love it!"

3 . How would you select all of the words that start with the letter "a" from the below array?

["apple", "pear", "face", "champagne", "palm tree", "aardvark", "pineapple"]

4 . Write a method that takes in an argument of a sentence and returns the number of words in the sentence

word_count("Hi, isn't this a great and interesting sentence??")
 # => 8

5 . What will the following method return?

def friendly_greeting(name=nil)
 name ||= "friend"
 puts "Hey there, #{name}"

6 . What will the following puts?

best_animal = "cat"
favorite_animal = best_animal
puts favorite_animal
# => ?

7 . What will the following puts?

def my_favorite_animal

best_animal = my_favorite_animal

puts best_animal

8 . What error, if any, will the following code raise?

"Blink" + 182

9 . How would you puts out any and all foods that are delicious?

foods = {"pie" => "delicious", "broccoli" => "not delicious",
"carrots" => "not delicious", "apples" => "delicious",
"peanut butter" => "delicious"}

10 . Delete all elements of the foods hash that are not delicious.

11 . What is the return value of this method?

  character_names = ["Daenerys Targaryen", "Jon Snow" ,"Arya Stark", "Tyrion Lannister", "Sansa Stark", "Cersei Lannister", "Margaery Tyrell"]

  def downcase_all(array_of_strings)
    array_of_strings.each do |one_string|

12 . Write a method that puts out a random Agent Cooper quote.

  cooper = {
      "name": "Dale Bartholomew Cooper",
      "co-workers": ["Diane", "Sheriff Harry S. Truman"],
      "favorite_drink": "Coffee",
      "quotes": ["Damn fine cup of coffee", "Diane...", "This must be where pies go when they die", "That's what you do in a town where a yellow light still means slow down, not go faster.", "Every day, once a day, give yourself a present", "I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it will be a place both wonderful and strange."]