
Phoenix web server for hubs.mozilla.com -- will be vr.las3d.com

Primary LanguageElixirMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


A hybrid game networking and web API server, focused on Social Mixed Reality.


Install Prerequisite Packages:

PostgreSQL (recommended version 11.x):

Linux: Use your package manager

Windows: https://www.postgresql.org/download/windows/

Windows WSL: https://github.com/michaeltreat/Windows-Subsystem-For-Linux-Setup-Guide/blob/master/readmes/installs/PostgreSQL.md

Elixr + Phoenix

https://elixir-lang.org/install.html https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/installation.html

Setup Reticulum:

Run the following commands at the root of the reticulum directory:

  1. mix deps.get
  2. mix ecto.create
    • If step 2 fails, you may need to change the password for the postgres role to match the password configured dev.exs.
    • From within the psql shell, enter ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
  3. mix ecto.migrate
  4. from the assets directory, npm install

Start Reticulum

Run scripts/run.sh if you have the hubs secret repo cloned. Otherwise iex -S mix phx.server