- Enable EEC for the OneAgents (globally or per host): https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/extensions-concepts#eec
- Generate an API token from your Dynatrace tenant: Managed -> Access Tokens
- API v2 scopes: Ingest metrics, Read settings, Write settings
- Extension Framework 1 (EF1) docs: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/extensions-hub
- Extension Framework 2 (EF2) docs: https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/extensions20
- A good guide for EF2 extensions (SNMP) is available at: https://github.com/arunkrishnan-dt/dynatrace_snmp_2.0
- Unified analysis screens intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIIVaC9iWPM
- Dynatrace extensions 2.0 framework: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P9hV3jbq9s
- Dynatrace HUB - Available extensions and supported technologies: https://www.dynatrace.com/hub/
- Open Source Dynatrace Extensions: https://github.com/orgs/dynatrace-extensions/repositories
- Dynatrace vscode plugin - copilot: https://github.com/dynatrace-extensions/dynatrace-extensions-copilot:
py -3.8 -m venv .venv
- Download oneagent sdk from your Dynatrace tenant
- settings -> monitored technologies -> add new technology monitoring -> build oneagent extension -> download SDK
pip install ...extensions\lib\plugin-sdk-\plugin_sdk-
pip install requests==2.28.1
oneagent_sim -p ef1
oneagent_build_plugin -p ef1 -d dist/ef1 --no_upload
- Upload your extension zip file to the Dynatrace tenant and add it to the plugin module path on each Agent/ActiveGate
- Install the
: https://github.com/dynatrace-oss/dt-cli- pip install dt-cli
- Set up extension Schema validation. e.g. v1.249
dt extension schemas 1.249.0 --tenant-url $Env:DT_TENANT
- VSCODE: Install Redhat YAML VSCode extension.
- Then go to -> Settings workspace, yaml schemas and add:
"yaml.schemas": { "C:\\Users\\...\\EF2\\schemas\\1.245.0\\extension.schema.json": "extension.yaml", },
dt extension gencerts --no-ca-passphrase --no-dev-passphrase
- Extension are signed with
and validated againstca.pem
- Upload ca.pem to the Dynatrace credential vault: Managed - Credential Vault
- Also upload ca.pem to each oneagent/activegate the extension will run from
- https://www.dynatrace.com/support/help/shortlink/sign-extension#upload
dt extension assemble --src=src -o dist/extension.zip --force
dt extension sign --src=dist/extension.zip -o dist/bundle.zip --key <path_to_keys>/developer.pem --force
dt extension validate --tenant-url $Env:DT_TENANT --api-token $Env:DTCLI_API_TOKEN dist/bundle.zip
- Manually upload to the UI
- or (note: known issue for first build):
dt extension upload --tenant-url $Env:DT_TENANT --api-token $Env:DTCLI_API_TOKEN dist/bundle.zip
- or (note: known issue for first build):
- Configure your extenson from the extension UI under: Infrastruture -> Extensions -> Manage and upload