
Instrumenting a docker+kubernetes konakart application with Dynatrace

Konakart + Kubernetes + Dynatrace

Repo designed to automate deploying + scaling a dockerized konakart application using kubernetes and monitored by Dynatrace.



For building and deploying the docker image refer to the dockerbuild branch

...or just pull my image

Konakart on Google cloud - with cloud SQL

  • Create a new project on Google cloud and a GKE cluster for it: how?
    Note: Gcloud container creation provides 2 node image types, cos and container-vm. Due to the security features of the cos image the Dynatrace oneagent is not able to gain root access and therefore cannot instrument the cluster (until supported). For this lab you need to select the container-vm node image
  • Create a new SQL instance how?
  • Create a DB service account, set environment keys, .yml config for DB connection how?
  • Create the deployment to launch the defined pods kubectl create -f konakart_app.yml
  • Create a service to connect externally to the cluster kubectl expose deployment konakart-web --type=LoadBalancer
  • Connect to your external IP address and port - show via kubectl get services
  • Scale deployment up or down: kubectl scale deployment konakart-web --replicas x
  • Autoscale cluster up or down based on cpu threshold: kubectl autoscale deployment konakart-web --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=5

Dynatrace oneagent monitoring

Kubernetes overview... kubernetes?

Kubernetes yml file overview
  • dynatrace-oneagnet.yaml - creates the Dynatrace One Agent DaemonSet, only need to add your config
  • konakart_app.yml - creates the konakart deployment which creates the replica sets to bring up the konakart server pods. deployment
    Each of these pods has 2 containers: 1 - the konakart web server, 2 - the gcloud sql proxy container needed to connect to our SQL instance.
useful commands to verify things...
  • kubectl get deployments
  • kubectl get secrets
  • kubectl get services
  • kubectl describe pod [PODNAME]
Environment variables
  • DB_TYPE: e.g mysql
  • DB_DRIVER: db driver for connection e.g. com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  • DB_HOST: ip or host name to connect to
  • DB_PORT: port to connect to
  • DB_NAME: konakart requires an existing DB to connect to... must be created beforehand
  • DB_LOAD: Boolean value for auto seeding the DB with test data (manual seeding beforehand is better -> as load has issues with scaling)
  • DB_OPTIONS: Additional connection options - refer to konakart docs e.g. useSSL
  • DB_USER: user account to use to connect to the DB (recommended to store within secrets in kubernetes)
  • DB_PWD: password for db user account (store within kubernetes secrets)

TODO: Env vars for DT oneagent connection tokens