Load environment vars, and command line arguments in a predictable, standardized way.
This package wraps argparse, loading config from environment variables as well as the usual command line arguments / flags. A config object is passed into init(), configuring argparse. The environment variables are implied from the arg name (stripped, uppercased and underscored), but can be manually defined using the key "env_var" in args config. Once args are loaded, config is accessable using a getter function "get()". To get all variables, use get_all(). The args object keys are passed to parser.add_argument().
The cfgur package is available on PyPI which means installation should be as simple as:
$ pip install cfgur
import cfgur
# Initialize once, pass in config
"parser": {
"description": "this is the service description"
"args": [
"name": "-test",
"help": "Description of test",
"default": "test-db",
"required": False,
}, {
"name": "--foo",
"required": True,
}, {
"name": "-f",
"required": False,
"env_var": "LETTER_F",
# Return value of config. If missing, return None
my_config = cfgur.get_all()
# Return value of config. If missing, return None
test_val = cfgur.get("test")
# Return value of config. If missing, raise KeyError
test_val = cfgur.get("test", True)
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
© 2018 Bray Almini.