
Fullstack CRUD application with MongoDB, Express, React, Node, TailwindCSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Issue Tracker (Fullstack MongoDB, Express, React, Node)

This is a CRUD application that tracks tasks and manage the assigned users.

Project Preview

DISCLAIMER: Besides some minor feature improvements the application is fully functional. Todos & Ideas:

display validation errors on form correctly
filter feature when clicked on user

How to run

run backend

  • please make sure you've added your MongoDB connection string as described below before running the server
  • navigate to the server directory and run the following commands
    cd server

    npm install

    npm run server

run frontend

  • navigate to the client directory and run the following commands
    cd client

    npm install

    npm start
  • by default the frontend runs on http://localhost:3000/
  • if you've changed the PORT in the backend, please make sure to make the appropriate changes in the package.json file located in the /client root directory:
    "proxy": "http://localhost:PORT"


  • Database credentials can be edited in /server/utils/env.js file. Here you can replace the default values
  • please make sure you match your PORT changes in the client package.json under "proxy"
  • alternatively you can add your credentials in a .env file in /server root directory like so:

Restore Database

  • the documents for each collection are stored in ./server/utils/db.js
  • you can restore them by using tools like Postman and access the endpoint
    GET request at /api/restore 
    (it might give you an 500 error if the collection is not empty but the documents will be restored regardless)
  • alternatively you can restore them directly in the frontend UI with the "Restore Data" button

    MongoDB only restores default documents that have been deleted.
    Any newly created or default documents that have been edited are NOT affected.

Delete Database

  • you can delete each one by hand through the UI
  • you can delete the entire collection through the endpoints:
    DELETE request at /api/tasks
    DELETE request at /api/users