The Breeding API (BrAPI) is a Standardized REST ful Web Service API Specification for communicating Plant Breeding Data. BrAPI allows for easy data sharing between databases and tools involved in plant breeding.
URL Structure
Response Structure
Date/Time Encoding
Location Encoding
Error Handling
Search Services
The BrAPI Core module contains high level entities used for organization and management. This includes Programs, Trials, Studies, Locations, People, and Lists
The BrAPI Phenotyping module contains entities related to phenotypic observations. This includes Observation Units, Observations, Observation Variables, Traits, Scales, Methods, and Images
The BrAPI Genotyping module contains entities related to genotyping analysis. This includes Samples, Markers, Variant Sets, Variants, Call Sets, Calls, References, Reads, and Vendor Orders
The BrAPI Germplasm module contains entities related to germplasm management. This includes Germplasm, Germplasm Attributes, Seed Lots, Crosses, Pedigree, and Progeny
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 2.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RClientCodegen
Install the dependencies
git clone
R CMD build .
R CMD check openapi_1.0.0.tar.gz --no-manual
R CMD INSTALL openapi_1.0.0.tar.gz
To install directly from Github, use devtools
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CallSetsApi | CallsetsCallSetDbIdCallsGet | GET /callsets/{callSetDbId}/calls | Gets a list of Calls associated with a CallSet . |
CallSetsApi | CallsetsCallSetDbIdGet | GET /callsets/{callSetDbId} | Gets a CallSet by ID. |
CallSetsApi | CallsetsGet | GET /callsets | Gets a filtered list of CallSet JSON objects. |
CallSetsApi | SearchCallsetsPost | POST /search/callsets | Gets a list of call sets matching the search criteria. |
CallSetsApi | SearchCallsetsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/callsets/{searchResultsDbId} | Gets a list of call sets matching the search criteria. |
CallsApi | CallsGet | GET /calls | Gets a filtered list of Calls |
CallsApi | SearchCallsPost | POST /search/calls | Submit a search request for Calls |
CallsApi | SearchCallsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/calls/{searchResultsDbId} | Returns a filtered list of Call JSON objects. |
CommonCropNamesApi | CommoncropnamesGet | GET /commoncropnames | Get the Common Crop Names |
CrossesApi | CrossesGet | GET /crosses | Get a filtered list of Cross entities |
CrossesApi | CrossesPost | POST /crosses | Create new Cross entities on this server |
CrossesApi | CrossesPut | PUT /crosses | Update existing Cross entities on this server |
CrossesApi | PlannedcrossesGet | GET /plannedcrosses | Get a filtered list of Planned Cross entities |
CrossesApi | PlannedcrossesPost | POST /plannedcrosses | Create new Planned Cross entities on this server |
CrossesApi | PlannedcrossesPut | PUT /plannedcrosses | Update existing Planned Cross entities on this server |
CrossingProjectsApi | CrossingprojectsCrossingProjectDbIdGet | GET /crossingprojects/{crossingProjectDbId} | Get a filtered list of Crossing Projects |
CrossingProjectsApi | CrossingprojectsCrossingProjectDbIdPut | PUT /crossingprojects/{crossingProjectDbId} | Update an existing Crossing Project |
CrossingProjectsApi | CrossingprojectsGet | GET /crossingprojects | Get a filtered list of Crossing Projects |
CrossingProjectsApi | CrossingprojectsPost | POST /crossingprojects | Create new Crossing Project entities on this server |
EventsApi | EventsGet | GET /events | Get the Events |
GenomeMapsApi | MapsGet | GET /maps | Get the Genomic Maps |
GenomeMapsApi | MapsMapDbIdGet | GET /maps/{mapDbId} | Get the details of a specific Genomic Map |
GenomeMapsApi | MapsMapDbIdLinkagegroupsGet | GET /maps/{mapDbId}/linkagegroups | Get the Linkage Groups of a specific Genomic Map |
GenomeMapsApi | MarkerpositionsGet | GET /markerpositions | Get marker position info |
GenomeMapsApi | SearchMarkerpositionsPost | POST /search/markerpositions | Get marker position info |
GenomeMapsApi | SearchMarkerpositionsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/markerpositions/{searchResultsDbId} | Get marker position info |
GermplasmApi | BreedingmethodsBreedingMethodDbIdGet | GET /breedingmethods/{breedingMethodDbId} | Get the details of a specific Breeding Method |
GermplasmApi | BreedingmethodsGet | GET /breedingmethods | Get the Breeding Methods |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGermplasmDbIdGet | GET /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | Get the details of a specific Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGermplasmDbIdMcpdGet | GET /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/mcpd | Get the details of a specific Germplasm in MCPD format |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGermplasmDbIdPedigreeGet | GET /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/pedigree | Get the pedigree details of a specific Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGermplasmDbIdProgenyGet | GET /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}/progeny | Get the progeny details of a specific Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGermplasmDbIdPut | PUT /germplasm/{germplasmDbId} | Update the details of an existing Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmGet | GET /germplasm | Get a filtered list of Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | GermplasmPost | POST /germplasm | Create new Germplasm entities on this server |
GermplasmApi | SearchGermplasmPost | POST /search/germplasm | Submit a search request for Germplasm |
GermplasmApi | SearchGermplasmSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/germplasm/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Germplasm search request |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | AttributevaluesAttributeValueDbIdGet | GET /attributevalues/{attributeValueDbId} | Get the details for a specific Germplasm Attribute |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | AttributevaluesAttributeValueDbIdPut | PUT /attributevalues/{attributeValueDbId} | Update an existing Germplasm Attribute Value |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | AttributevaluesGet | GET /attributevalues | Get the Germplasm Attribute Values |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | AttributevaluesPost | POST /attributevalues | Create new Germplasm Attribute Values |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | SearchAttributevaluesPost | POST /search/attributevalues | Submit a search request for Germplasm Attribute Values |
GermplasmAttributeValuesApi | SearchAttributevaluesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/attributevalues/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Germplasm Attribute Values search request |
GermplasmAttributesApi | AttributesAttributeDbIdGet | GET /attributes/{attributeDbId} | Get the details for a specific Germplasm Attribute |
GermplasmAttributesApi | AttributesAttributeDbIdPut | PUT /attributes/{attributeDbId} | Update an existing Germplasm Attribute |
GermplasmAttributesApi | AttributesCategoriesGet | GET /attributes/categories | Get the Categories of Germplasm Attributes |
GermplasmAttributesApi | AttributesGet | GET /attributes | Get the Germplasm Attributes |
GermplasmAttributesApi | AttributesPost | POST /attributes | Create new Germplasm Attributes |
GermplasmAttributesApi | SearchAttributesPost | POST /search/attributes | Submit a search request for Germplasm Attributes |
GermplasmAttributesApi | SearchAttributesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/attributes/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Germplasm Attributes search request |
ImagesApi | ImagesGet | GET /images | Get the image meta data summaries |
ImagesApi | ImagesImageDbIdGet | GET /images/{imageDbId} | Get the an image meta data summary |
ImagesApi | ImagesImageDbIdImagecontentPut | PUT /images/{imageDbId}/imagecontent | Update an image with the image file content |
ImagesApi | ImagesImageDbIdPut | PUT /images/{imageDbId} | Update an image meta data |
ImagesApi | ImagesPost | POST /images | Create new image meta data objects |
ImagesApi | SearchImagesPost | POST /search/images | Submit a search request for Images |
ImagesApi | SearchImagesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/images/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of an Images search request |
ListsApi | ListsGet | GET /lists | Get filtered set of generic lists |
ListsApi | ListsListDbIdGet | GET /lists/{listDbId} | Get the details of a specific List |
ListsApi | ListsListDbIdItemsPost | POST /lists/{listDbId}/items | Add Items to a specific List |
ListsApi | ListsListDbIdPut | PUT /lists/{listDbId} | Update an existing generic list |
ListsApi | ListsPost | POST /lists | Create New List Objects |
ListsApi | SearchListsPost | POST /search/lists | Submit a search request for Lists |
ListsApi | SearchListsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/lists/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a List search request |
LocationsApi | LocationsGet | GET /locations | Get a filtered list of Locations |
LocationsApi | LocationsLocationDbIdGet | GET /locations/{locationDbId} | Get the details of a specific Location |
LocationsApi | LocationsLocationDbIdPut | PUT /locations/{locationDbId} | Update the details for an existing Location |
LocationsApi | LocationsPost | POST /locations | Create new Locations |
LocationsApi | SearchLocationsPost | POST /search/locations | Submit a search request for Locations |
LocationsApi | SearchLocationsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/locations/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Locations search request |
MethodsApi | MethodsGet | GET /methods | Get the Methods |
MethodsApi | MethodsMethodDbIdGet | GET /methods/{methodDbId} | Get the details for a specific Method |
MethodsApi | MethodsMethodDbIdPut | PUT /methods/{methodDbId} | Update an existing Method |
MethodsApi | MethodsPost | POST /methods | Add new Methods |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationlevelsGet | GET /observationlevels | Get the Observation Levels |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsGet | GET /observationunits | Get a filtered set of Observation Units |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsObservationUnitDbIdGet | GET /observationunits/{observationUnitDbId} | Get the details of a specific Observation Unit |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsObservationUnitDbIdPut | PUT /observationunits/{observationUnitDbId} | Update an existing Observation Units |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsPost | POST /observationunits | Add new Observation Units |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsPut | PUT /observationunits | Update a set of Observation Units |
ObservationUnitsApi | ObservationunitsTableGet | GET /observationunits/table | Get a list of Observations in a table format |
ObservationUnitsApi | SearchObservationunitsPost | POST /search/observationunits | Submit a search request for Observation Units |
ObservationUnitsApi | SearchObservationunitsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/observationunits/{searchResultsDbId} | Observation Unit Search |
ObservationVariablesApi | SearchVariablesPost | POST /search/variables | Submit a search request for Observation Variables |
ObservationVariablesApi | SearchVariablesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/variables/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Observation Variable search request |
ObservationVariablesApi | VariablesGet | GET /variables | Get the Observation Variables |
ObservationVariablesApi | VariablesObservationVariableDbIdGet | GET /variables/{observationVariableDbId} | Get the details for a specific Observation Variable |
ObservationVariablesApi | VariablesObservationVariableDbIdPut | PUT /variables/{observationVariableDbId} | Update an existing Observation Variable |
ObservationVariablesApi | VariablesPost | POST /variables | Add new Observation Variables |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsGet | GET /observations | Get a filtered set of Observations |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsObservationDbIdGet | GET /observations/{observationDbId} | Get the details of a specific Observations |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsObservationDbIdPut | PUT /observations/{observationDbId} | Update an existing Observation |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsPost | POST /observations | Add new Observation entities |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsPut | PUT /observations | Update multiple Observation entities |
ObservationsApi | ObservationsTableGet | GET /observations/table | Get a list of Observations in a table format |
ObservationsApi | SearchObservationsPost | POST /search/observations | Submit a search request for a set of Observations |
ObservationsApi | SearchObservationsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/observations/{searchResultsDbId} | Returns a list of Observations based on search criteria. |
OntologiesApi | OntologiesGet | GET /ontologies | Get the Ontologies |
PeopleApi | PeopleGet | GET /people | Get filtered list of People |
PeopleApi | PeoplePersonDbIdGet | GET /people/{personDbId} | Get the details for a specific Person |
PeopleApi | PeoplePersonDbIdPut | PUT /people/{personDbId} | Update an existing Person |
PeopleApi | PeoplePost | POST /people | Create new People |
PeopleApi | SearchPeoplePost | POST /search/people | Submit a search request for People |
PeopleApi | SearchPeopleSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/people/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a People search request |
ProgramsApi | ProgramsGet | GET /programs | Get a filtered list of breeding Programs |
ProgramsApi | ProgramsPost | POST /programs | Add new breeding Programs to the database |
ProgramsApi | ProgramsProgramDbIdGet | GET /programs/{programDbId} | Get a breeding Program by Id |
ProgramsApi | ProgramsProgramDbIdPut | PUT /programs/{programDbId} | Update an existing Program |
ProgramsApi | SearchProgramsPost | POST /search/programs | Submit a search request for Programs |
ProgramsApi | SearchProgramsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/programs/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Programs search request |
ReferenceSetsApi | ReferencesetsGet | GET /referencesets | Gets a list of ReferenceSets . |
ReferenceSetsApi | ReferencesetsReferenceSetDbIdGet | GET /referencesets/{referenceSetDbId} | Gets a ReferenceSet by ID. |
ReferenceSetsApi | SearchReferencesetsPost | POST /search/referencesets | Gets a list of ReferenceSet matching the search criteria. |
ReferenceSetsApi | SearchReferencesetsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/referencesets/{searchResultsDbId} | Gets a list of ReferenceSet matching the search criteria. |
ReferencesApi | ReferencesGet | GET /references | Gets a filtered list of Reference objects. |
ReferencesApi | ReferencesReferenceDbIdBasesGet | GET /references/{referenceDbId}/bases | Lists Reference bases by ID and optional range. |
ReferencesApi | ReferencesReferenceDbIdGet | GET /references/{referenceDbId} | Gets a Reference by ID. |
ReferencesApi | SearchReferencesPost | POST /search/references | Gets a list of Reference matching the search criteria. |
ReferencesApi | SearchReferencesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/references/{searchResultsDbId} | Gets a list of Reference matching the search criteria. |
SamplesApi | SamplesGet | GET /samples | Get the Samples |
SamplesApi | SamplesPost | POST /samples | Add new Samples |
SamplesApi | SamplesSampleDbIdGet | GET /samples/{sampleDbId} | Get the details of a specific Sample |
SamplesApi | SamplesSampleDbIdPut | PUT /samples/{sampleDbId} | Update the details of an existing Sample |
SamplesApi | SearchSamplesPost | POST /search/samples | Submit a search request for Samples |
SamplesApi | SearchSamplesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/samples/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Samples search request |
ScalesApi | ScalesGet | GET /scales | Get the Scales |
ScalesApi | ScalesPost | POST /scales | Add new Scales |
ScalesApi | ScalesScaleDbIdGet | GET /scales/{scaleDbId} | Get the details of a specific Scale |
ScalesApi | ScalesScaleDbIdPut | PUT /scales/{scaleDbId} | Update an existing Scale |
SeasonsApi | SeasonsGet | GET /seasons | Get the Seasons |
SeasonsApi | SeasonsPost | POST /seasons | POST new Seasons |
SeasonsApi | SeasonsSeasonDbIdGet | GET /seasons/{seasonDbId} | Get the a single Season |
SeasonsApi | SeasonsSeasonDbIdPut | PUT /seasons/{seasonDbId} | Update existing Seasons |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsGet | GET /seedlots | Get a filtered list of Seed Lot descriptions |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsPost | POST /seedlots | Add new Seed Lot descriptions to a server |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsSeedLotDbIdGet | GET /seedlots/{seedLotDbId} | Get a specific Seed Lot |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsSeedLotDbIdPut | PUT /seedlots/{seedLotDbId} | Update an existing Seed Lot |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsSeedLotDbIdTransactionsGet | GET /seedlots/{seedLotDbId}/transactions | Get all Transactions related to a specific Seed Lot |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsTransactionsGet | GET /seedlots/transactions | Get a filtered list of Seed Lot Transactions |
SeedLotsApi | SeedlotsTransactionsPost | POST /seedlots/transactions | Add new Seed Lot Transaction to be recorded |
ServerInfoApi | ServerinfoGet | GET /serverinfo | Get the list of implemented Calls |
StudiesApi | SearchStudiesPost | POST /search/studies | Submit a search request for Studies |
StudiesApi | SearchStudiesSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/studies/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Studies search request |
StudiesApi | StudiesGet | GET /studies | Get a filtered list of Studies |
StudiesApi | StudiesPost | POST /studies | Create new Studies. |
StudiesApi | StudiesStudyDbIdGet | GET /studies/{studyDbId} | Get the details for a specific Study |
StudiesApi | StudiesStudyDbIdPut | PUT /studies/{studyDbId} | Update an existing Study |
StudiesApi | StudytypesGet | GET /studytypes | Get the Study Types |
TraitsApi | TraitsGet | GET /traits | Get the Traits |
TraitsApi | TraitsPost | POST /traits | Add new Traits |
TraitsApi | TraitsTraitDbIdGet | GET /traits/{traitDbId} | Get the details of a specific Trait |
TraitsApi | TraitsTraitDbIdPut | PUT /traits/{traitDbId} | Update an existing Trait |
TrialsApi | SearchTrialsPost | POST /search/trials | Submit a search request for Trials |
TrialsApi | SearchTrialsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/trials/{searchResultsDbId} | Get the results of a Trials search request |
TrialsApi | TrialsGet | GET /trials | Get a filtered list of Trials |
TrialsApi | TrialsPost | POST /trials | Create new trials |
TrialsApi | TrialsTrialDbIdGet | GET /trials/{trialDbId} | Get the details of a specific Trial |
TrialsApi | TrialsTrialDbIdPut | PUT /trials/{trialDbId} | Update the details of an existing Trial |
VariantSetsApi | SearchVariantsetsPost | POST /search/variantsets | Gets a list of VariantSet matching the search criteria. |
VariantSetsApi | SearchVariantsetsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/variantsets/{searchResultsDbId} | Gets a list of VariantSet matching the search criteria. |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsExtractPost | POST /variantsets/extract | Create new VariantSet based on search results |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsGet | GET /variantsets | Gets a filtered list of VariantSets . |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsVariantSetDbIdCallsGet | GET /variantsets/{variantSetDbId}/calls | Gets a list of Calls associated with a VariantSet . |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsVariantSetDbIdCallsetsGet | GET /variantsets/{variantSetDbId}/callsets | Gets a list of CallSets associated with a VariantSet . |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsVariantSetDbIdGet | GET /variantsets/{variantSetDbId} | Gets a VariantSet by ID. |
VariantSetsApi | VariantsetsVariantSetDbIdVariantsGet | GET /variantsets/{variantSetDbId}/variants | Gets a Variants for a given VariantSet . |
VariantsApi | SearchVariantsPost | POST /search/variants | Gets a list of Variant matching the search criteria. |
VariantsApi | SearchVariantsSearchResultsDbIdGet | GET /search/variants/{searchResultsDbId} | Gets a list of Variant matching the search criteria. |
VariantsApi | VariantsGet | GET /variants | Gets a filtered list of Variants . |
VariantsApi | VariantsVariantDbIdCallsGet | GET /variants/{variantDbId}/calls | Gets a list of Calls associated with a Variant . |
VariantsApi | VariantsVariantDbIdGet | GET /variants/{variantDbId} | Gets a Variant by ID. |
VendorApi | VendorOrdersGet | GET /vendor/orders | List current available orders |
VendorApi | VendorOrdersOrderIdPlatesGet | GET /vendor/orders/{orderId}/plates | Get the Plates for a specific Order |
VendorApi | VendorOrdersOrderIdResultsGet | GET /vendor/orders/{orderId}/results | Get the results of a specific Order |
VendorApi | VendorOrdersOrderIdStatusGet | GET /vendor/orders/{orderId}/status | Get the status of a specific Order |
VendorApi | VendorOrdersPost | POST /vendor/orders | Submit New Order |
VendorApi | VendorPlatesPost | POST /vendor/plates | Submit a new set of Sample data |
VendorApi | VendorPlatesSubmissionIdGet | GET /vendor/plates/{submissionId} | Get the data for a submitted set of plates |
VendorApi | VendorSpecificationsGet | GET /vendor/specifications | Get the Vendor Specifications |
- Accepted202SearchResponse
- Accepted202SearchResponseResult
- Analysis
- BasePagination
- BreedingMethod
- BreedingMethodListResponse
- BreedingMethodListResponseResult
- BreedingMethodSingleResponse
- Call
- CallSet
- CallSetResponse
- CallSetsListResponse
- CallSetsListResponseResult
- CallSetsSearchRequest
- CallSetsSearchRequestAllOf
- CallsListResponse
- CallsListResponseResult
- CallsSearchRequest
- CallsSearchRequestAllOf
- CommonCropNamesResponse
- CommonCropNamesResponseResult
- Contact
- Cross
- CrossAllOf
- CrossNewRequest
- CrossNewRequestCrossAttributes
- CrossParent
- CrossesListResponse
- CrossesListResponseResult
- CrossingProject
- CrossingProjectAllOf
- CrossingProjectNewRequest
- CrossingProjectsListResponse
- CrossingProjectsListResponseResult
- CrossingProjectsSingleResponse
- DataFile
- DataLink
- EnvironmentParameter
- Event
- EventEventParameters
- EventsResponse
- EventsResponseResult
- GenomeMap
- GenomeMapListResponse
- GenomeMapListResponseResult
- GenomeMapSingleResponse
- GeoJSONSearchArea
- Germplasm
- GermplasmAllOf
- GermplasmAttribute
- GermplasmAttributeAllOf
- GermplasmAttributeCategoryListResponse
- GermplasmAttributeCategoryListResponseResult
- GermplasmAttributeListResponse
- GermplasmAttributeListResponseResult
- GermplasmAttributeNewRequest
- GermplasmAttributeNewRequestAllOf
- GermplasmAttributeSearchRequest
- GermplasmAttributeSearchRequestAllOf
- GermplasmAttributeSingleResponse
- GermplasmAttributeValue
- GermplasmAttributeValueAllOf
- GermplasmAttributeValueListResponse
- GermplasmAttributeValueListResponseResult
- GermplasmAttributeValueNewRequest
- GermplasmAttributeValueSearchRequest
- GermplasmAttributeValueSearchRequestAllOf
- GermplasmAttributeValueSingleResponse
- GermplasmListResponse
- GermplasmListResponseResult
- GermplasmMCPD
- GermplasmMCPDBreedingInstitutes
- GermplasmMCPDCollectingInfo
- GermplasmMCPDCollectingInfoCollectingInstitutes
- GermplasmMCPDCollectingInfoCollectingSite
- GermplasmMCPDDonorInfo
- GermplasmMCPDDonorInfoDonorInstitute
- GermplasmMCPDResponse
- GermplasmMCPDSafetyDuplicateInstitutes
- GermplasmNewRequest
- GermplasmNewRequestDonors
- GermplasmNewRequestStorageTypes
- GermplasmNewRequestSynonyms
- GermplasmOrigin
- GermplasmPedigreeResponse
- GermplasmProgenyResponse
- GermplasmSearchRequest
- GermplasmSearchRequestAllOf
- GermplasmSingleResponse
- Image
- ImageAllOf
- ImageListResponse
- ImageListResponseResult
- ImageNewRequest
- ImageSearchRequest
- ImageSearchRequestAllOf
- ImageSingleResponse
- IndexPagination
- IndexPaginationAllOf
- LinkageGroup
- LinkageGroupListResponse
- LinkageGroupListResponseResult
- ListBaseFields
- ListDetails
- ListNewRequest
- ListNewRequestAllOf
- ListResponse
- ListSearchRequest
- ListSearchRequestAllOf
- ListSummary
- ListSummaryAllOf
- ListTypes
- ListValue
- ListsListResponse
- ListsListResponseResult
- ListsSingleResponse
- Location
- LocationAllOf
- LocationListResponse
- LocationListResponseResult
- LocationNewRequest
- LocationSearchRequest
- LocationSearchRequestAllOf
- LocationSingleResponse
- MarkerPosition
- MarkerPositionListResponse
- MarkerPositionListResponseResult
- MarkerPositionSearchRequest
- MarkerPositionSearchRequestAllOf
- Measurement
- Metadata
- MetadataAllOf
- MetadataBase
- MetadataTokenPagination
- MetadataTokenPaginationAllOf
- Method
- MethodAllOf
- MethodBaseClass
- MethodListResponse
- MethodListResponseResult
- MethodSingleResponse
- Observation
- ObservationAllOf
- ObservationLevelListResponse
- ObservationLevelListResponseResult
- ObservationListResponse
- ObservationListResponseResult
- ObservationNewRequest
- ObservationSearchRequest
- ObservationSearchRequestAllOf
- ObservationSingleResponse
- ObservationTable
- ObservationTableObservationVariables
- ObservationTableResponse
- ObservationTreatment
- ObservationUnit
- ObservationUnitAllOf
- ObservationUnitHierarchyLevel
- ObservationUnitLevelRelationship
- ObservationUnitLevelRelationship1
- ObservationUnitListResponse
- ObservationUnitListResponseResult
- ObservationUnitNewRequest
- ObservationUnitPosition
- ObservationUnitSearchRequest
- ObservationUnitSearchRequestAllOf
- ObservationUnitSingleResponse
- ObservationUnitTable
- ObservationUnitTableResponse
- ObservationVariable
- ObservationVariableAllOf
- ObservationVariableListResponse
- ObservationVariableListResponseResult
- ObservationVariableNewRequest
- ObservationVariableNewRequestAllOf
- ObservationVariableSearchRequest
- ObservationVariableSearchRequestAllOf
- ObservationVariableSingleResponse
- Ontology
- OntologyListResponse
- OntologyListResponseResult
- OntologyReference
- OntologyReferenceDocumentationLinks
- OntologyTerm
- PedigreeNode
- PedigreeNodeParents
- PedigreeNodeSiblings
- Person
- PersonAllOf
- PersonListResponse
- PersonListResponseResult
- PersonNewRequest
- PersonSearchRequest
- PersonSearchRequestAllOf
- PersonSingleResponse
- PlannedCross
- PlannedCrossAllOf
- PlannedCrossNewRequest
- PlannedCrossesListResponse
- PlannedCrossesListResponseResult
- PlateFormat
- PointGeometry
- PolygonGeometry
- ProgenyNode
- ProgenyNodeProgeny
- Program
- ProgramAllOf
- ProgramListResponse
- ProgramListResponseResult
- ProgramNewRequest
- ProgramSearchRequest
- ProgramSearchRequestAllOf
- ProgramSingleResponse
- Reference
- ReferenceBases
- ReferenceBasesResponse
- ReferenceSet
- ReferenceSetsListResponse
- ReferenceSetsListResponseResult
- ReferenceSetsSearchRequest
- ReferenceSetsSearchRequestAllOf
- ReferenceSetsSingleResponse
- ReferenceSingleResponse
- ReferencesListResponse
- ReferencesListResponseResult
- ReferencesSearchRequest
- ReferencesSearchRequestAllOf
- Sample
- SampleAllOf
- SampleListResponse
- SampleListResponseResult
- SampleNewRequest
- SampleSearchRequest
- SampleSearchRequestAllOf
- SampleSingleResponse
- Scale
- ScaleAllOf
- ScaleBaseClass
- ScaleBaseClassValidValues
- ScaleBaseClassValidValuesCategories
- ScaleListResponse
- ScaleListResponseResult
- ScaleSingleResponse
- SearchRequestParametersCommonCropNames
- SearchRequestParametersExternalReferences
- SearchRequestParametersGermplasm
- SearchRequestParametersLocations
- SearchRequestParametersObservationVariables
- SearchRequestParametersPaging
- SearchRequestParametersPrograms
- SearchRequestParametersStudies
- SearchRequestParametersTokenPaging
- SearchRequestParametersTrials
- Season
- SeasonListResponse
- SeasonListResponseResult
- SeasonSingleResponse
- SeedLot
- SeedLotAllOf
- SeedLotListResponse
- SeedLotListResponseResult
- SeedLotNewRequest
- SeedLotNewTransactionRequest
- SeedLotSingleResponse
- SeedLotTransaction
- SeedLotTransactionAllOf
- SeedLotTransactionListResponse
- SeedLotTransactionListResponseResult
- ServerInfo
- ServerInfoResponse
- Service
- ShipmentForm
- Status
- Study
- StudyAllOf
- StudyListResponse
- StudyListResponseResult
- StudyNewRequest
- StudyNewRequestExperimentalDesign
- StudyNewRequestGrowthFacility
- StudyNewRequestLastUpdate
- StudySearchRequest
- StudySearchRequestAllOf
- StudySingleResponse
- StudyTypesResponse
- StudyTypesResponseResult
- TaxonID
- TokenPagination
- TokenPaginationAllOf
- Trait
- TraitAllOf
- TraitBaseClass
- TraitDataType
- TraitListResponse
- TraitListResponseResult
- TraitSingleResponse
- Trial
- TrialAllOf
- TrialListResponse
- TrialListResponseResult
- TrialNewRequest
- TrialNewRequestDatasetAuthorships
- TrialNewRequestPublications
- TrialSearchRequest
- TrialSearchRequestAllOf
- TrialSingleResponse
- VariableBaseClass
- Variant
- VariantSet
- VariantSetAvailableFormats
- VariantSetResponse
- VariantSetsExtractRequest
- VariantSetsExtractRequestAllOf
- VariantSetsListResponse
- VariantSetsListResponseResult
- VariantSetsSearchRequest
- VariantSetsSearchRequestAllOf
- VariantSingleResponse
- VariantsListResponse
- VariantsListResponseResult
- VariantsSearchRequest
- VariantsSearchRequestAllOf
- VendorContact
- VendorOrder
- VendorOrderListResponse
- VendorOrderListResponseResult
- VendorOrderStatusResponse
- VendorOrderStatusResponseResult
- VendorOrderSubmission
- VendorOrderSubmissionRequest
- VendorOrderSubmissionRequestAllOf
- VendorOrderSubmissionSingleResponse
- VendorPlate
- VendorPlateListResponse
- VendorPlateListResponseResult
- VendorPlateSubmission
- VendorPlateSubmissionId
- VendorPlateSubmissionIdSingleResponse
- VendorPlateSubmissionPlates
- VendorPlateSubmissionRequest
- VendorPlateSubmissionRequestPlates
- VendorPlateSubmissionSingleResponse
- VendorResultFile
- VendorResultFileListResponse
- VendorResultFileListResponseResult
- VendorSample
- VendorSpecification
- VendorSpecificationService
- VendorSpecificationServiceSpecificRequirements
- VendorSpecificationSingleResponse
- WSMIMEDataTypes
- Type: HTTP basic authentication