
a command line coffee dispensing simulation in python

Primary LanguagePython

Coffee Machine

This is a simple command-line Python program that simulates a coffee machine. The coffee machine offers three different types of coffee: espresso, latte, and cappuccino. Users can interact with the coffee machine to select a drink, insert coins, and receive change. The program also includes a report feature to display the machine's resources and earnings.


  • Select from three different coffee types:
    • Espresso
    • Latte
    • Cappuccino
  • Insert coins (quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies)
  • Receive change if overpayment occurs
  • Print a report of the coffee machine's resources and earnings


To run this program, you need Python 3.x installed on your machine.

How to run

  1. Clone this repository or download the files.
  2. Navigate to the folder containing the coffee_machine.py file in your terminal or command prompt.
  3. Run the command python coffee_machine.py to start the program.


The program will prompt you to enter your desired drink:

What would you like? (espresso = 'esp' | latte = 'lat' | cappuccino = 'cap' | report)

Type esp, lat, or cap to select espresso, latte, or cappuccino, respectively.

After selecting a drink, you will be asked to insert coins. Type the number of each coin type you are inserting:

Please insert coins.
How many quarters?:
How many dimes?:
How many nickles?:
How many pennies?:

If you have inserted enough money, the coffee machine will dispense the drink and return change if necessary. If not, the transaction will be cancelled and the money refunded.

To print a report of the coffee machine's resources and earnings, type report at the main prompt.

To turn off the coffee machine, type off at the main prompt.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.